Undergraduate Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Psychology - BA
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Foundational Courses
Foundational Courses must be completed before embarking upon the major. Students with appropriate background may be exempted from some or all Foundational Courses. See department for proper placement. Exemptions
A student may be exempt from PSYCH 10000 by earning a score of 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement Test taken in conjunction with a high school course in psychology or by passing the CLEP examination (College Level Education Program). Exemption from Child Psychology (PSYCH 21000 ) may be earned by a passing grade on the CLEP examination in Developmental Psychology. CLEP examinations are given at various testing centers. Interested students can obtain information and application forms at http://www.collegeboard.com or by contacting the Office of Student Services. A passing grade on either CLEP examination provides 3 credits. Information on exemption from the mathematics course requirement and on test administration is available from the Testing Center, North 150 (http://admissions.hunter.cuny.edu/Testing.htm). Preparation
The psychology major is designed to provide students with training in both the evaluation and the generation of research data. For this reason, the core sequence of Psychological Statistics and Experimental Psychology is central to the program and is a prerequisite for all upper-level psychology courses. Performance in the Psychological Statistics/Experimental Psychology sequence will be greatly facilitated by proper preparation in mathematics and laboratory science and the development of excellent writing skills. Course of Study
Completion of ENGL 12000 prior to declaration of the major in psychology is strongly recommended. ENGL 12000 is a pre or co-requisite for all 200-level classes below 24900. For any classes numbered 24900 and above, ENGL 12000 is a prerequisite. Students whose career goals include professional work in psychology, social work, or counseling should take the following courses, as appropriate. Note that each may be used only once to satisfy major requirements. Declaration of Major
To declare a psychology major, the student must have completed Introduction to Psychology (PSYCH 10000 ) and any other 100-level psychology course with a minimum grade of B, a required mathematics course with a minimum grade of C or CR and have a minimum GPA of 2.00. The mathematics requirement may be satisfied by the following, or by earning exemption from the mathematics requirement. The major must be declared in person with an undergraduate psychology adviser. (Refer to website http://hunter.cuny.edu/psychology for schedule.) The student must bring his/her Hunter transcript (and where relevant, transcripts from all other colleges attended) when meeting with the adviser to declare a psychology major. Psychology Major
Applications of Psychology (A): Biopsychology (B): Cognitive Processes (C): Developmental/social psychology (D/S) : (If a course meets requirements for more than one content area, the student may apply the course to only one of them.) All of the content-area courses must be at or above the 200 level and at least 2 of the content-area courses must be at or above the 300 level. Two additional (elective) courses in psychology, at the 200 level or higher, must be completed. Two semesters of laboratory science must also be completed. (See the Science Requirement for Graduation below.) Qualified undergraduates in their last semester may register for graduate-level psychology courses with the permission of the instructor and the graduate adviser. Most psychology majors intending to attend graduate school take more than the minimum 26 credits in psychology and design their course of study in close consultation with a faculty mentor. Students should obtain a copy of “Psychology Major Requirements and Policies” from the undergraduate advising office as soon as they declare the major for up-to-date information on department resources, activities and faculty research interests. Beginning in the spring 1998 semester, psychology courses taken on a Credit/No Credit basis may not be applied toward the major; PSYCH 24800 , PSYCH 24900 , PSYCH 25000 may not be taken on a Credit/No Credit basis. Courses Taken on Permit and Courses Transferred into Hunter
Once the psychology major is declared, students may not take any psychology course that they wish to count toward the major on permit at another college. In contrast, psychology courses that were taken before the student enrolled at Hunter and that are deemed equivalent to a Hunter College course may count toward the major. The assessment of course equivalency is made by the Office of Admissions and by the undergraduate psychology advising office. Prerequisites
Course prerequisites are strictly enforced. Students are responsible for meeting all course prerequisites, including satisfactory completion of courses in progress at the time of enrollment. Students enrolling in courses without necessary prerequisites will be dropped from the class by the registrar. The department screens for prerequisites and students may be dropped after the course begins. (See specific prerequisites for each course in Course Listings section.) Prerequisites for PSYCH 24800 - Statistical Methods in Psychological Research . All students must have received at least a C or CR in STAT 11300 or MATH 12500 (STEM) or earned mathematics exemption and must have declared psychology as their major in the Psychology Department Advising Office at Hunter. Prerequisites for PSYCH 24900 - Experimental Psychology: Social and PSYCH 25000 - Experimental Psychology: General . All students must be declared Psychology majors and have passed ENGL 12000 with C or higher, STAT 11300 or MATH 12500 with C or higher (or earned mathematics exemption), PSYC 24800 with C or higher, and 1 semester of laboratory science (see Science Requirement for Graduation, below). As of fall 2011, only PSYCH 25000 will be offered Science Requirement for Graduation
In order to graduate, psychology majors must have completed two semesters in laboratory science that were approved by the department. Students must take at least one semester of laboratory science before taking PSYCH 24900 or PSYCH 25000 . Students may complete the laboratory science courses at any point in their studies, and the courses need not be taken in sequence. The science requirement may be met by any of the following courses, all of which meet the General Education Requirement Stage 2/E, Laboratory Science, requirement: Additional Information
For transfer students, the laboratory science requirement may be met by courses taken at previous institutions only if they have been assigned the Hunter College course numbers in the above list. Transfer students should check with the psychology adviser after their courses have been formally evaluated by Hunter College to determine whether the science requirement has been met. Note: Students who declared a psychology major before January 1, 1998 are exempt from the science requirement within the Department of Psychology. Field Placement Program
Offered for one semester (PSYCH 30600 ) or as a 2-semester sequence, Psychological Services I and II (PSYCH 30600 and PSYCH 30700 ) give enrolled students practical supervised career experience one day per week in an approved mental health or community service setting in conjunction with a class that meets once each week. Students may also gain field experience in conjunction with academic work through Independent Study (PSYCH 20100 ) with a faculty sponsor. Permission of the instructor is required for these courses and students should start making arrangements by the preceding term before they plan to take the course (e.g., midspring for the fall term). The undergraduate adviser can inform students of the instructor who will be teaching PSYCH 30600 and PSYCH 30700 , for which field placement referrals are made by the instructor. Students wishing to take PSYCH 20100 in conjunction with a field experience should meet with the college internship coordinator (by appointment in Career Development, Room 805 Hunter East) and with prospective faculty sponsors. The DIDARP Program (Diversity Institutional Drug Abuse Research Development Program)
The overall goal of DIDARP is to develop the capacity of Hunter College to support drug abuse research through the following objectives: (1) provide faculty from diverse populations with drug abuse research knowledge and skill development through the conduct of research projects and other professional development activities, (2) encourage students from diverse populations to pursue drug abuse research careers by providing them with educational enrichment and research experiences; and (3) strengthen the underlying institutional infrastructure needed to support drug abuse research. Undergraduate students supported by DIDARP are highly qualified students from underrepresented populations. They must be interested in pursuing careers in drug abuse research and in working in the laboratory of a DIDARP investigator. BP-ENDURE
The Blueprint Program for Enhancing Neuroscience Diversity through Undergraduate Education is designed to identify exceptionally talented undergraduates and prepare them to obtain doctoral degrees in neuroscience-related fields of study. The program offers specialized neuroscience courses, summer research experiences, and mentoring from senior faculty. For additional information, please visit www.bpendurehunternyu.info. Minor
As of the spring of 2009, Hunter no longer requires that students have a minor. Those students wishing to do a minor should go directly to the department in which they are interested in doing a minor and declare it with that department. Minor in Psychology
Declaring a Minor in Psychology The minor in psychology is designed to expose students to a variety of content areas in the field of psychology and to provide the student with the ability to evaluate psychological research as a consumer. To declare a psychology minor, the student must have completed PSYCH 10000 and any other 100-level psychology course with a minimum grade of C and a required mathematics course with a minimum grade of C or CR. The mathematics requirement may be satisfied by STAT 11300 or MATH 12500 (STEM) , or by an appropriate score on the mathematics placement test. The minor in Psychology consists of 15 credits in Psychology as follows: |
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