Undergraduate Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PSYCH 30900 - Behavioral Neuroendocrinology (B; D/S) Pluralism and Diversity PD/C GER 3/B
Research and attitudes about sex-related behavior in human and nonhuman animals emphasizing evolutionary and neuroendoinological processes and social-psychological processes; male-female differences and similarities, therapeutic strategy in sex-behavior pathology and sexual behavior and the law.
PSYCH 24800 and 24900 or 25000, one semester of an acceptable science sequence, ENGL 12000 and declaration of a psychology major are the minimum prerequisite for all courses above PSYCH 25000. (Students falling under the previous curriculum need not fulfill the science prerequisite.) prereq: ENGL 12000. PSYCH 24900 or 25000 3 hrs 3 cr.