Mar 10, 2025  
Graduate Catalog 2018-2019 
Graduate Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



The Hunter College Department of Geography is the largest and one of the most technologically advanced geography programs in the New York City metropolitan region. The department offers an MA in Geography, MS in GeoInformatics, and a graduate level post-baccalaureate Certificate Program in Geographic Information Science. In addition, the department contributes to three Masters level programs in conjunction with the Hunter College School of Education (helping train teachers of geography and earth science). The CUNY Graduate Center offers a PhD Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Our oldest graduate program,  the MA in Geography, provides state-of-the-art knowledge of contemporary urbanization, the global economy and migration, global climate change and sustainability together with advanced analytical skills, including quantitative, qualitative, and geospatial research methods for addressing the vital problems humanity is facing today. Our students conduct research in many parts of the world while also focusing on New York City and the challenges to its populations, environments, and neighborhoods. In partnership with the School of Education’s BA/MA program in Environmental Studies and Adolescent Education the Geography MA also fulfills the need for educated geographers and geography/earth science teachers in New York City and New York State.

The GIS Certificate Program is practically oriented to provide students with the fundamental skills and concepts in Geographic Information Science. It is anticipated that they will apply these newly acquired techniques to their domain of study. The GIS Certificate Program attracts professionals who seek expertise in geospatial analysis that will enhance their professional competence. In addition, MA students can earn Certificate in GIS concurrently.

The new MS in GeoInformatics program (MGEOi) takes a computational approach to the analysis, modeling and visualization of spatial-temporal data. It offers highly competitive advanced quantitative and technical skills in geospatial analysis, open source tools, and coding that are in high demand in both the public and private sectors. Students leave with a strong background in spatial-temporal data analytics. 

In all our programs, faculty and students do research that seeks to improve the social, environmental, and economic well-being of New Yorkers. The Department of Geography takes pride in helping to advance the careers of underrepresented groups in geography and related fields.

What can I do with my degree in Geography, GeoInformatics, or GIS?

Our website features stories about our former students. In general, MA graduates often continue with their graduate work in PhD programs in geography and related fields. Most, however, become professionals whose expertise in the above areas is widely used by the governments and administrations of New York City and New York State, the US Bureau of the Census, and private industry; they also develop careers as geography/earth science teachers. GIS certificate students enhance their skillset by adding GIS expertise to their main field. Many GIS certificate students proceed to earn MA in Geography.

As of this writing Hunter’s MGEOi (MS in GeoInformatics) program is one of only two in the country specializing in GeoInformatics. Our program is designed primarily as a professional degree, filling a market need in a well-paid discipline with an emphasis on technology implementation with an engineering/computer science approach rather than a purely applied use of GIS. Training includes computational aspects of spatial data science such as modeling and programming, remote sensing, visualization, databases, spatial ontologies, spatial statistics, big data, and complexity. Students will have opportunities to explore links with both Geography and Computer Science faculty at Hunter College and with employers and the tech community in the New York metropolitan area.

Centers & Facilities

Geography Centers & Facilities  

Programs and Courses

Programs and Courses in Geography  

Programs Offered in the School of Education  

Doctor of Philosophy

The Department of Geography participates in the PhD Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences based at the CUNY Graduate Center. Students in this program may select Hunter College as their “home” college and geography as their specialty. Since 2005 this program has a separate track in geography. For application forms and further information, write to: Executive Officer, PhD Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences, CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016 or go to 

Grad Center Earth and Environmental Sciences


Administration and Faculty


 Marianna Pavlovskaya

1003F North

(212) 772-5320

MA in Geography Adviser:

Peter Marcotullio

1003E North

(212) 772-5264


MS in GeoInformatics (MGEOi) Adviser:

Sean Ahearn

1026 North


Department Office:

1006 North
(212) 772-5265



 Geography Faculty  


HEGIS Codes: 2206 (Geography); 2205 (Adolescent Education); 4999 (Environmental Studies)