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Sean Ahearn, Professor and Director, Center for Advanced Research of Spatial Information (CARSI); PhD, Wisconsin (Madison); GIS, remote sensing, digital image processing, natural resources, habitat studies
Jochen Albrecht, Professor; PhD, Vechta (Germany); Geographic information science, GIS applications, change modeling, simulation, quantitative methods, Europe
Frank Buonaiuto, Associate Professor; PhD, SUNY (Stony Brook); Oceanography, coastal processes, numerical modeling of waves, tides and sediment transport
Allan Frei, Professor and Deputy Director, CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities; PhD, Rutgers; Climate change, snow and water resources, modeling
Hongmian Gong, Professor; PhD, Georgia; urban geography, GIS applications, and transportation
Mohamed Ibrahim, Associate Professor; PhD, Alberta; Environmental studies, resource management, sustainable development, Africa, rural water supply and sanitation, urbanization in the developing world
Peter Marcotullio, Professor and Director, CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities; PhD, Columbia; Global Cities, Urban environmental transitions, globalization and urban development, ecosystem approaches to urban and regional environmental planning and management and impacts of urbanization on the environment
Ines Miyares, Professor; PhD, Arizona State; Geographies of immigration and ethnicity, spatial impacts of immigration and refugee law, Latin America and Hawai’i
Wenge Ni-Meister, Professor; PhD, Boston; Remote sensing, land-atmosphere interaction, meteorology, climatology, biogeography
Marianna Pavlovskaya, Professor and Chair; PhD, Clark; Urban and feminists geography, post-socialist Russia, gender and class, critical GIS, diverse economy and economic solidarity
Andrew Reinmann, Assistant Professor; PhD, Boston; Ecological response to climate change, urbanization and fragmentation, terrestrial carbon cycling, dendroecology
Randye Rutberg, Assistant Professor; PhD, Columbia; paleoclimatology, oceanography, geochemistry, environmental science, environmental public policy
Haydee Salmun, Associate Professor; PhD, Johns Hopkins; Oceanography, global climate, environmental fluid dynamics, land surface-atmosphere-ocean interface
William Solecki, Professor; PhD, Rutgers; Urban environmental change and management, land use and land cover studies, hazards, GIS applications
Shipeng Sun, Assistant Professor; PhD, Minnesota; geovisualization, GIS algorithms, socio-spatial network analysis, land use change, urban and human-environment system modeling
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