Mar 09, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
History - BA
Return to: Section IX: Programs of Study
Foundational Courses
Foundational Courses must be completed before embarking upon the major. Students with appropriate background may be exempted from some or all Foundational Courses. See department for proper placement. - ENGL 12000 - Expository Writing
Hunter Core Requirement Courses leading to (foundational) or within this major may fulfill parts of the Hunter Core Requirement (CUNY Common Core [CCC], Hunter Focus, Concurrent Requirements). When selecting courses, it may be to a student’s advantage to choose courses that count toward the Hunter Core Requirement and also advance the student on the path to the major. Details on the Hunter Core Requirement can be found here: Hunter Core Requirement.
• A minimum of 6 credits of HIST-designated courses with a grade of C or better are required before the declaration of major
• A maximum of 9 credits in 100-level courses may be taken.
• A minimum of 18 credits in advanced-level courses distributed as follows:
o 6 credits in 200-level courses (not including HIST 29000 ) o 9 credits in 300-level courses (not including HIST 30000 ) • Historical Research or Historical Research Honors
Geographic Distribution:
- Within the requirements for the major (exclusive of HIST 30000 ) students must complete a minimum of 6 credits in each of the following geographic fields:
• 1) United States history • 2) European history (includes Russia and the U.S.S.R.) • 3) World/Non-Western history (includes Asia, Africa, Middle East, Latin America). Chronological Distribution:
Within the requirements for the major (exclusive of HIST 30000 ) students must also complete a minimum of 3 credits in a course that is largely focused on years prior to 1815: - If the course is at the 100-level, it must cover material that is entirely pre-1815.
- If the course is at the 200-level or higher, the majority of the material in it must be pre-1815.
Students majoring in disciplines other than history may elect a minor in history. The history minor consists of 12 credits. The minor in History is flexible and thus it can provide depth to a variety of majors; students can tailor the minor to suit best their individual interests. Requirements: - Four history courses of 3 credits each (or 12 credits total) taken for a letter grade (C or better. Courses taken for a grade of Credit/No Credit will not count toward the minor.)
- Courses must be distributed in at least two geographic fields, i.e. at least one course (3 credits) must be taken in a geographic area different from the other three. (Currently, the geographic areas are defined as U.S., European and World/Non-Western.)
- At least two courses (6 credits) must be at the 300-level or above. Internships do not count toward completion of the minor, although students completing the minor may elect to include an internship as an additional course. Independent studies (tutorials) and HIST300 are available only to History Majors and, thus, do not count toward the minor.
- At least two of the courses (or 6 credits) must be taken in the History Department at Hunter College. Courses taken in other disciplines will not count toward the minor unless cross-listed and taken under the appropriate HIST course code. Transfer courses must beapproved by the History Undergraduate Advisor.
There are no prerequisites for the minor, although certain courses may have their own prerequisites. Declaring a Minor in History: Students are advised to declare their minor by the beginning of the upper junior semester, but must do it prior to their final semester (that of graduation). Declaration requires a planning session with the History Undergraduate Advisor and completion of the Major/Minor Declaration Form (to be obtained from the OASIS). Childhood Education (grades 1-6)
In cooperation with the School of Education, the Department of History provides opportunities for history majors to prepare for a career in childhood education. Students complete the 30-credit History major with the childhood education sequence as a collateral major. Adolescent Education
Students who wish to prepare for a career in teaching social studies in grades 7-12 may take a 33- credit history major with an additional 9 credits of prerequisites History for Adolescent Education (Social Studies) In addition, students take the 23-credit adolescent education sequence. Honors in History
Students will be eligible for honors in history upon completion of the requirements for the major with a 3.5 GPA and a 3.0 cumulative GPA at the time of graduation. To be eligible to graduate with honors in history, students can take HIST 40000 - Historical Research [H] or 3 to 6 credits in seminar, tutorial or problems courses or graduate courses with special permission, with a grade of B or better. Eligible students should apply for honors at the time they file for graduation. Applications are available from the department. Graduate Study
Qualified students in their junior and senior years may be admitted to graduate courses with the approval of the department chair. |
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