This 36 credit track is for students who have completed a Dietetic Internship in an academic/collegiate setting where 12 graduate DI credits can be used toward the MS. This track encompasses core courses, supervised experiential learning courses, program specific courses and a culminating experience.
Type: Completion requirement
- Completion of an undergraduate accredited DPD program
- A statement of interest
- Two references
- Resume
Type: Completion requirement
Earn at least 36 credits
Type: Completion requirement
Fulfill ALL of the following requirements:
Complete ALL of the following Core Courses (3 credits each):
- PH 75000 - Fundamentals of Biostatistics
- NUTR 72500 - Nutrition Research
Complete ALL of the following Supervised Experiential Learning Courses (3 credits each):
- NUTR 70000 - Seminar in Dietetics Practice
- NUTR 70100 - Pre-Professional Practice in Dietetics: Clinical
- NUTR 70200 - Pre-Professional Practice in Dietetics: Food Service
- NUTR 70300 - Pre-Professional Practice in Dietetics: Community
Earn at least 15 credits from the following Program Specific Courses:
- NUTR 72000 - Community Nutrition Education
- NUTR 73100 - Advanced Nutrition I
- NUTR 73200 - Advanced Nutrition II
- NUTR 73300 - Nutrition and Human Development
- NUTR 73400 - Clinical Nutrition I
- NUTR 73500 - Clinical Nutrition 2
- NUTR 73600 - Community Nutrition
- NUTR 74600 - Nutrition and Disease
- NUTR 78300 - Independent Study
- Other NUTR or other electives approved by advisor
Complete One of the following Culminating Experience Courses (3 credits each):
- NUTR 78000 - Capstone or NUTR 79000 - Thesis