1. Language-Neutral Core Courses (6 credits)
Certain translation-relevant skills exist outside specific languages and provide baseline knowledge to all students interested in careers in Translation and Interpreting. All students, regardless of language tracks, are required to complete two core courses, offered in English in a language-neutral setting
2. Core Courses with a Language-Specific Component (6 credits)
The following courses are required for students enrolled in all language tracks. Each course is divided into a language-neutral portion, during which students receive theoretical training (including ethics, code of conduct, industry-specific information) and a language-specific component, conducted by a graduate teaching assistant in each respective language and consisting of vocabulary practice, role-play, authentic document translation, simulated interpreting scenarios and peer editing and feedback. These are:
3. Elective (3 credits)
Students will select a course to complement their training in translation. The choice of the class will be dictated by the student’s professional interests and prospective fields of employment.
Requiring an elective will compel the students to gain field-specific knowledge outside of language. The inter-departmental character of this elective not only allows graduate students to avail themselves of collaboration across departments that forms part of Hunter’s tradition of academic excellence, but also model the interdisciplinary nature of any professional work environment. The students will select courses based on availability with the approval of the program director.
Sample topics and courses include:
English Linguistics (ENGL 60700 )
Rhetoric and Composition (ENGL 60700 )
The Nature of Written Language (ENG 78550)
Fundamentals of Health Policy and Management (PH 75600 )
Healthcare Systems and Policy (NURS 70400 )
Community Organizing and Development for Health (COMHE 75200 )
Demographic Issues in Planning and Development (URBG 70300 )
Social Welfare Policy and Services (SSW 70150 )
Immigrants and Refugees: Policies and Issues (SSW 70219 )
Literary Translation (Independent study)
Research and Methods (Independent Study)
Translating New York: Émigré Literature in Translation (Independent study)
Translation and Interpreting Internship (by department permission)