Mar 10, 2025
Graduate Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
TESOL PreK-12 - MA
Program Coordinator
Tim Farnsworth
1013 West Building
(212) 650-3376
The TESOL PreK-12 program (Academic Plan: TESOL-MA) is designed to educate people who wish to teach students for whom English is a second or foreign language in a school setting. The skill of teaching English to speakers of other languages is acquired through studying specialized methods and techniques that differ from those used by teachers of English to native speakers. This preparation is the focus of the programs in TESOL.
In these programs, links to the ESL classroom are emphasized and students are exposed to extensive field experiences and practice. Students should be prepared to spend considerable amounts of time observing and participating in educational settings in addition to attending classes at Hunter. All fieldwork experience must be done in New York City public schools.
TESOL-MA has two tracks (or subplans). Track 1 (Subplan: TESOLLNYSC) is for applicants with no prior NYS certificate. Track 2 (Subplan: TESOLANYSC) is for applicants who have prior NYS certificate.
Admission Requirements
Track 1 Applicants who do not hold NYS Certification - Bachelor’s degree with a GPA of at least 3.0 or a master’s degree with a GPA of at least 3.5.
- A liberal arts of sciences major or interdisciplinary concentration of at least 30 credits.
- A general education core in liberal arts and sciences to include: 12 credits in foreign language documented on a transcript or equivalent credits on a standardized proficiency test such as the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or the NYU Proficiency Test in Foreign Language; 9 credits in communication and English with at least one course in written analysis and expression and once course in English literature; 9 credits in science and mathematics, with at least one course in math one course in science (a college course in calculus satisfies 6 credits of this requirement); 6 credits in social studies (to include at least one course in history or geography); 3 credits in the arts; 3 credits in information retrieval (library studies, research, computer literacy or educational technology).
- Satisfactory communication skills. (An oral interview and on-site writing sample may be required to provide additional evidence of communication skills, depending on the applicant’s academic record and language proficiency as reflected in the application).
- Two letters of recommendation.
- A personal statement.
Track 2 Applicants who hold NYS Certification - Bachelor’s degree with a GPA of at least 3.0 or a master’s degree with a GPA of at least 3.5.
- 12 credits in foreign language documented on a transcript or equivalent credits on a standardized proficiency test such as the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or the NYU Proficiency Test in Foreign Language .
- NYS teacher certification in subject areas other than TESOL (specifically early childhood, childhood, middle childhood, or adolescent education; special subjects; students with disabilities; or literacy).
- Satisfactory communication skills. (An oral interview and on-site writing sample may be required to provide additional evidence of communication skills, depending on the applicant’s academic record and language proficiency as reflected in the application).
- Two letters of recommendation.
Progress Standards
- Minimum GPA for Retention - Graduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 to remain at Hunter College. Students whose grades fall below this standard are required to raise their GPAs to at least 3.0 within one semester.
- No F in the first two semesters—students who receive a grade of F(WU) in any course in the first two semesters will not be allowed to continue in the program.
- Progress holds due to Incomplete Grades - Students with two or more INs will not be allowed to register for any courses.
- Key Course Performance Standards
- Students must receive a grade of at least a B in certain key program courses. (to be determined by programs, labeled in CUNY First, and noted in the catalog)
- Students who receive a grade of F/WU in certain key program courses may not continue in the program (to be determined by programs, labeled in CUNY First, and noted in the catalog).
Course of Study
Academic Plan TESOL-MA Subplans Total Credits - TESOLLNYSC: 30-42 (Note: Students may be exempted for up to nine credits (12 credits for those completing EDESL 780))
- TESOLANYSC: 30-36 (Note: Students may be exempted up to three credits (6 credits for those completing EDESL 780))
Students may be exempted from up to six credits if they have taken equivalent course work elsewhere. Taking EDESL 780 MA Essay adds 3 credits to total credits in degree. *Student Teaching is a year-long course. Students must complete 60 days during one semester at the K-6 level, and 60 days during the other semester at the 7-12 level. Student teachers may start their student teaching in either the fall or spring semester. **Practicum Teaching is a year-long course. Students are expected to be in the classroom during the entire year of teaching. Practicum students may start their practicum in either the fall or spring semester. Exit Requirements
- An overall GPA of 3.0.
- Track 2 students only: Must maintain a valid and appropriate NYS certification.
- Demonstrate graduate-level academic oral and written communication skills in their coursework, and the ability to serve as appropriate models of the English language for their future students.
- Electronic Portfolio Evaluation or successful completion of a master’s essay (EDESL 78000).
- Complete the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) workshop.