Mar 10, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Degree Map for Statistics
The degree map is a term-by-term sample course schedule to make it easier for you to understand how to graduate in four years with a Statistics major. The Degree Map is a tool to assist you and your advisor in planning your academic path to graduation. Use it along with the program of study information for your major (found in the Hunter Catalog) and Degree Works (student degree audit system) to discuss your academic plan with your advisor. Courses required for the major, Hunter Core Requirement (HCR) courses, and elective classes must be selected to concurrently satisfy all Pluralism & Diversity and writing intensive requirements. Students are encouraged to consider pursuing a minor through the selection of electives. Your specific program of study could, and probably will, look different. You need to customize the Degree Map to fit your situation. Consult with your advisor about the best path for you.
- Students who do not place into STAT 213 will begin with MATH 101 Algebra or MATH 125 Pre-calculus: The sequence is as follows – MATH 101 or MATH 101EN. [If you make a C you also take MATH 10150] – MATH 12550 [If you make a C, you must take MATH 140] or MATH 124 and MATH 140 or MATH 125 and MATH 140 – STAT 213. If you begin with MATH 101, the Degree Map is shifted by two semesters and still allow for completion of the degree in 4 years; in this case, the MATH or STAT elective will be taken in the last semester.
- **STAT 212 and 214 could be taken either fall or spring and in any order or at the same time
- At Math 260, students who do well should consider our BA/MA program. See the Statistics advisor.
- Required STAT or MATH elective must be approved by Statistics advisor
- Please see Statistics advisor for Actuarial sequence
- STAT 311 is taught fall and spring but STAT 312 and 313 are spring and summer only.