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The major consists of 24-30 credits. In general, a Hebrew major is required to achieve proficiency in Biblical and/or modern Hebrew literature by successfully completing a minimum of four courses at the 300 level in Hebrew. Courses in Hebraic studies conducted in English may be applied toward partial fulfillment of the Hebrew major provided they are part of a coherent program approved by the head of the division.
Qualified students interested in a more intensive program in the field of Hebraic or Judaic studies, particularly those preparing for graduate work in such specialized areas as Semitic languages and civilizations, Jewish history, Biblical studies and archaeology, medieval or modern Hebrew literature, Near Eastern studies or religious studies, should consult a division adviser regarding additional courses and supportive studies in related fields.
Students who demonstrate proficiency in Hebrew through a placement exam may be exempted from some courses. Please see the Classical and Oriental Studies department for details.