Major 39 cr.
The English Department offers students five concentrations: (1) Literatures, Language and Criticism, (2) Creative Writing, (3) English: Preparation for Secondary School Teaching, (4) English Language Arts, and (5) Linguistics and Rhetoric. Thirty-nine credits (13 classes) in 300- and 400-level courses are required for each concentration. Up to 6 credits in the major sequence may be taken for CR/NC. Students must take ENGL 22000 before declaring the major or taking any other English classes (with the exception of ENGL 21800 - Advanced Expository Writing ).
Literatures, Language and Criticism Concentration
Majors who choose the Concentration in Literatures, Language and Criticism (39 cr) take five required courses (15 cr), and three courses in a specialized area of study (9 cr.). The department recommends that students take the five required courses early in their major studies, preferably soon after they have declared the major. The Literatures, Language and Criticism concentration is designed to provide students with exposure to a range of literary texts and traditions, as well as to a specific area of study in which to focus. The first two areas of study reflect particular national literatures, and the remaining four are designed with broader approaches to literary study in mind. With prior approval, a student may also work with an adviser to design her own area of study.
Creative Writing Concentration
The Concentration in Creative Writing (39 cr) is designed to provide students with an informed appreciation of the depth and breadth of literature written in English, as well as the opportunity to develop their own interests and skills in creative writing. Students concentrating in Creative Writing take ENGL 25200 Introduction to Literary Studies (3 cr), five required courses in literature (15 cr), at least four creative writing workshops (12 cr), and three electives (9 cr). The five literature requirements are: 1) ENGL 33800; 2) ENGL 39500, 39600, or 39700; 3) ENGL 31800, 32000, 32100, 32400, 32500, or 32700; 4) ENGL 30600, 33100, 33200, or 34000; and 5) One 300- or 400- level English course with a focus in literature or rhetoric before 1800. The first workshop for ALL students is the 3-genre workshop ENGL 30000: Introduction to Creative Writing, which must be passed with a grade of B or higher in order to qualify for this concentration. After successfully completing ENGL 30000, students are required to take a minimum of three additional workshops, beginning with the level-I workshop in the genre(s) in which they are interested: ENGL 30800, 31100, or 31400. Students are required to take at least one level-II workshop (ENGL 30900, 31300, or 31600) after completing the level-I workshop in that genre. Students may also take one of the special topics genre workshops (ENGL 48400) after completing both 300-level workshops in that genre. The remaining three courses for the major are electives and may be chosen from any of the department’s 300-or 400-level courses, including, if the student is eligible, one of the Honors Seminars (ENGL 49400). In special cases, full-time faculty may find it appropriate to supervise a student who is interested in taking on an individual creative project; this option is listed in the catalogue, and in semester-by-semester class postings, as ENGL 48500: Independent Tutorial Study. Successful completion of such a course may also, if arranged beforehand, qualify as an Honors course.
English Language Arts Concentration
The Concentration in English Language Arts (39 cr.) is designed to provide students with experience in the study of literature, language, rhetoric, and writing. While it is designed and intended primarily for prospective elementary school teachers, the concentration is open to all students. Students take ENGL 25200, Introduction to Literary Studies (3 cr), four required literature courses (12 cr), two required courses in language and/or rhetoric (6 cr), and two required courses in writing (6 cr). The remaining four courses (9 cr) are electives and may be chosen from among the following: any of the English department’s 300- or 400-level literature courses, including, if the student is eligible, one of the Honors seminars (ENGL 49400); any of the 300-level Creative Writing workshops for which the student has met the prerequisite(s); any 300- or 400-level courses in linguistics or literatures taught in English in other departments for which the student meets that department’s prerequisite(s); and selected Theatre courses (16000, 16100, 32100, 37600, 37700, 37800) for which the student meets that department’s prerequisite(s). The English department strongly recommends that students choose at least one Language, Writing, or Modern/Contemporary Literature elective course.
Concentration in Preparation for Secondary School Teaching
The Concentration in English: Preparation for Secondary School Teaching (39 cr) is designed to prepare students to teach English in grades 7-12 by providing a foundation in British, American, and Multi-Ethnic literatures, as well as writing and language studies. Students choosing this concentration take ENGL 25200, Introduction to Literary Studies (3 cr), 18 credits of required literature courses, 6 credits of required writing courses, one 3-credit language course, and three electives chosen from among 300- and 400-level courses offered by the Department. When taken together with the requirements for the Secondary Education minor of the School of Education, this program meets initial certification requirements for New York State and New York City public schools. Students interested in the Education minor must apply to the School o Education for admission. Students who do not wish to pursue certification need not take the Secondary Education minor. Eligible English: Preparation for Secondary School Teaching majors may pursue English Departmental Honors by taking ENGL 49400 - Honors Seminar: Special Studies .
Concentration in Linguistics and Rhetoric
The Concentration in Linguistics and Rhetoric (39 cr) is designed to provide students with a comprehensive course of study in the structures, uses, and ideologies of discourse in various types of texts, genres, and domains: from everyday talk to persuasive writing. Students will gain a complex understanding of spoken and written discourse by comparing a wide range of philosophical underpinnings, theoretical perspectives, and methodological approaches. . Students choosing this concentration will take ENGL 25200, Introduction to Literary Studies (3 cr), three courses in linguistics (9 cr), three courses in composition and rhetoric (9 cr), three courses in literature (9 cr), and three electives (9 cr). This concentration is particularly suited for students who are interested in graduate study in Linguistics, Rhetoric, Applied Linguistics, and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).
Note: The English Department strongly recommends that students take at least one modern or contemporary literature course.