Mar 09, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Religion - BA
Return to: Section XI: School of Arts and Sciences
Foundational Course
A Foundational Course, ENGL 12000 , must be completed before embarking upon the major. Hunter Core Requirement
Courses leading to (foundational) or within this major may fulfill parts of the Hunter Core Requirement (CUNY Common Core [CCC], Hunter Focus, Concurrent Requirements). When selecting courses, it may be to a student’s advantage to choose courses that count toward the Hunter Core Requirement and also advance the student on the path to the major. Details on the Hunter Core Requirement can be found here: Appendix I: Hunter Core Requirement . Major (30 cr)
A major in religion consists of 30 credits. A sequence of courses for the major normally includes REL 11000-Nature of Religion , REL 11100-Approaches to Religion , REL 25100-Asian Religions , and REL 25300-Abrahamic Religions followed by at least one course in theoretical studies and at least one course in religious issues. - Introduction to the Field of Religion
- Theoretical studies in Religion
- Issues in Religion
- Religious Traditions
On becoming a major the student, in consultation with the director, will select one member of the program in Religion staff as his or her major adviser. Each religion major is required to consult with this adviser at least twice a year. I. Introduction to the Field of Religion
II. Theoretical Studies in Religion
African, Afro-Caribbean and Afro-American Religions
Special Topics in Traditions
To be eligible for honors classes a student must have the director’s permission and at least a 3.5 GPA in the major and cumulatively. To qualify for departmental honors, a student must complete one of the honors courses with a grade of B or above, achieving a final GPA in Religion and cumulatively of at least 3.5. Minor in Religion
The Minor in Religion consists of four courses for a total of 12 credits.
The following two courses are required:
- REL 11000 - Nature of Religion (W)
- REL 11100 - Approaches to Religion (W)
Also required for the Minor in Religion:
a) one course to be chosen from those listed under the category “Religious Traditions”; and
b) one course from the category “Issues in Religion” reflecting a theme central to the religious tradition in which the student has chosen to focus, to be selected in consultation with a Religion Program adviser.
At least one course presented in satisfaction of the minor must be a 300-level course.
Return to: Section XI: School of Arts and Sciences