Admission Criteria: RN Program
An overall college GPA of 3.2 in addition to other requirements is the minimum requirement for consideration of an application. Admission to the School of Nursing is competitive.
The program is designed for RN students who have already completed a two- or three-year nursing program. All RN students admitted to the program are required to submit evidence of NYS RN licensure and health insurance, medical records with specified immunizations and CPR certification prior to entering the first semester of the nursing major.
Applicants who are in the process of taking the licensing examination are admitted conditionally. Proof of receipt of an RN license must be submitted to the Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing by December 1 for students admitted in the fall. Students unable to show proof of license will not be permitted to continue in the nursing major. Applicants to the RN-BS Program must have completed 36 credits of liberal arts and sciences (including credits in progress) at an accredited college, plus the equivalent of 24 credits in nursing.
Students transferring from any accredited associate degree program in the United States will be granted 24 nursing credits for having a Professional Registered Nurse license. The Nursing Regents College Examinations (RCE’S) in Adult Nursing, Maternal and Child Nursing, and Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing at the baccalaureate level are required for applicants from schools without accreditation, and for international graduates. A score of “C” or better is acceptable.
Students should download a current RN Program Fact Sheet, which details the admission process, from the Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing website at
Lower Division (Hunter Core)
Students entering Hunter with an AAS degree are required to complete Core, Pluralism and Diversity, and one writing course. Transfer students will have their transcripts evaluated upon admission by the admissions office. Courses for which equivalency is granted need not be repeated. Some transfer courses al may be used to satisfy Core requirements.
For CUNY Common Core, Required Core & CUNY Common Core, Flexible Core go to Appendix I: Hunter Core Requirement
The requirements for students holding an AA, AS, BS, or AAS are differentiated at this link:
Prerequisite Courses
Prerequisite Courses (courses meet Hunter Core as noted)
English Composition (ENGL 12000 or transfer equivalent)* meets English Comp 1
Introduction to Statistics (STAT 11300 or transfer equivalent)* meets M/QR
General Psychology (PSYCH 10000 or transfer equivalent)
Human Development (PSYCH 15000 or transfer equivalent)
General Chemistry with Lab (CHEM 10000 (STEM) and CHEM 10100 or transfer equivalent) * meets LPS
Anatomy & Physiology (BIOL 12000 & BIOL 12200 or transfer equivalent)
Microbiology with lab (BIOL 23000 or transfer equivalent)
12.5 credits of science and math in addition to Statistics and Chemistry
Total lower division credits: 66
Repeating a Course
Note: Students who fail a course in a nursing sequence may not proceed to the next course in the sequence without repeating the failed course. In order to continue in the Nursing major, students must receive minimum grades of “C” in all required nursing courses. Students who receive a grade of “D” or lower, or who fail any segment of a clinical nursing course or lab will be allowed to repeat the course or segment only once. Students who fail a second required nursing course or clinical lab/segment will be dismissed from the nursing program. This policy applies even if a grade appeal is in progress. Students who fail the clinical portion of a course will receive an “F” for the entire course, regardless of the corresponding theory grade.
Leave of Absence Policy and Reserved Placement in a Clinical Course
A reserved placement in a clinical/field course will be held for the student for only one year from the date of the leave of absence. The School of Nursing cannot guarantee the placement for any longer period of time. It is the responsibility of the student to submit to the undergraduate program director a letter of intent, one semester prior to returning to the program and enrolling in the course (April 1 for a fall course). Students who fail to follow this procedure release the School of Nursing from reserving a clinical/field placement in a course for the student.
Nursing Dual/Joint Degree
This is an early entry into the RN-BS program for students at Queensborough Community College. They are granted acceptance to Hunter after their freshman year if they satisfy certain GPA and course requirements. See the Queensborough website for further information about this phase of the dual degree
The Hunter portion of the curriculum follows the RN-BS curriculum: