Mar 09, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Music Bachelor’s Degrees
Return to: Section IX: Programs of Study
Major Programs
The Department of Music offers three undergraduate and two BA/MA major programs to fit individual interests and requirements. Students must take three examinations before declaring a music major: - Music notation, rudimentary theory, and basic musicianship skills. This examination is prerequisite to MUSTH 22000 (Music Theory I).
Students who do not pass it must take MUSTH 10100 (Music Theory Fundamentals) or learn the material on their own, then repeat the examination. - Elementary music history and literature. This examination is prerequisite to MUSHL 20500 (Music History I). Students who do not pass it must take MUSHL 10100 (Introduction to Music) or learn the material on their own, then repeat the examination.
- Performance audition on an instrument or voice. This examination is prerequisite to MUSPF 40100 (Private Instruction in Instrument or Voice). Students whose performance skills fall below New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) level 2, equivalent to about one year of study, must take MUSPF 21100 -MUSPF 21200 (Voice I-II), MUSPF 21300 -MUSPF 21400 (Piano III), or private lessons at their own expense (without credit), then repeat the examination. Students with no experience in performance may defer the audition until the end of their first semester of study.
Prospective majors should consult the Music Department’s undergraduate adviser as soon as possible to discuss these examinations and any prerequisite courses they may need before beginning the major. Piano Proficiency Requirement
All music majors must demonstrate elementary proficiency at the piano. Students should plan to fulfill this requirement during their first year of study. A passing grade on the piano proficiency examination is a prerequisite for the third semester of study in music theory (MUSTH 32000 ). Students entering Hunter with limited keyboard background may take MUSPF 21300 -MUSPF 21400 (Piano I and II) for elective credit or private lessons in piano at their own expense. The Music Department office has a list of recommended piano teachers. Minor in Music
The music minor consists of 15 credits in music: - MUSTH 10100 - Music Theory Fundamentals
- MUSHL 10100 - A Thousand Years of Listening
-or- - MUSHL 10700 - The World of Music
- one course with an MUSHL prefix at the 200-level; and 6 credits of music electives, 3 of which must be at the 200-level or higher.
Prospective minors who have already mastered the material taught in the required 100-level courses MUSTH 10100 and/or MUSHL 10100 or MUSHL 10700 ) may be exempted from these courses by passing the same entrance examination that is required of prospective music majors (see above). Music minors may substitute more advanced courses in any area of music study, including private lessons (subject to availability) and ensembles, for the courses from which they are exempt. PLEASE NOTE: Music minors who wish to take private lessons for credit (MUSPF 40100 ) must first pass both the performance audition and music theory portions of the entrance examination.
Grading Policies
Students must have grades of C or better in all prerequisite courses in order to take courses that are required for the major. The grade of CR may not be elected in major courses. In accordance with Hunter College policy, a course may not be taken more than twice without permission of the department. Honors
To qualify for departmental honors in music, a student must have a 3.5 grade point average in major courses and complete an honors project, taken under the following course number. The project, which must be approved in advance by the Policy Committee, may be a research paper on a historical, theoretical, or other topic; an original composition; or a recital. All projects should demonstrate an advanced level, a broad scope, and a high quality, and must be done under the supervision of a faculty member of the Music Department. Graduate Study
Seniors of high academic standing who are recommended by the department may be permitted to take graduate courses for undergraduate credit. Seniors within 9 credits of graduation may apply to the Admissions Office for permission to take graduate courses creditable toward the MA degree. |
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