Medical Laboratory Sciences–BS
Department Chair:
Steven Einheber
Brookdale Campus West 700A
(212) 481-4442, 4502
Web site:
HEGIS Code: 1223
Curricula for the Bachelor of Science Degree
The Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences (MLS) offers two majors: (1)Medical Laboratory Sciences: Clinical Science BS and 2) Medical Laboratory Sciences: Biomedical Science BS . The Clinical Science major is intended for students pursuing careers in the diagnostic laboratory and meets the requirements for NY State licensure of clinical laboratory technologists. The Biomedical Science major is appropriate for students seeking other careers or graduate education in the biomedical field.
Professional Outcomes
Entry-Level Positions Students completing the MLS degree are prepared for positions in a variety of settings. These include clinical (medical) technologists in diagnostic laboratories in hospitals and commercial environments, and research assistants in medical center and university labs, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and public health laboratories. Personnel shortages are severe in several of these areas, and opportunities are predicted to grow. The Monthly Labor Review projects a growth rate of 20.6% for clinical laboratory positions from 2008 to 2018.
The passage of the Clinical Laboratory Technology Practice Act in 2005 created a transparent professional pathway defining the education, experience and examination to qualify as a clinical technologist in New York State. The course of study in the Medical Laboratory Sciences: Clinical Science major fulfills the educational and practice components for licensure. It is expected that status as licensed professionals will help to alleviate shortages in the field.
Further Education
MLS students are encouraged to plan for postbaccalaureate education, and are guided to complete prerequisites. MLS alumni have been successful in medical and dental school, graduate programs in biomedical science (master’s and PhD), management and clinical specialties (PA, forensic science, etc.) and advanced laboratory diagnostics such as cytotechnology.
Opportunities for Pre-Professional Experience
Professional Practice Qualified students planning for careers in the diagnostic lab enroll in MLS 41000 to fulfill the practical experience requirement of the clinical technologist license. Students are assigned to hospital, reference or public health labs for summer or semester-long internship experience in an area consistent with their interests.
Biotechnology BS/MA
Qualified seniors may apply to the BS/MA in Medical Laboratory Sciences with Specialization in Biotechnology.The accelerated BS/MA is a collaboration between MLS and the Department of Biological Sciences. An intensive techniques workshop (BIOL 41000 ) is taken prior to graduation and upon successful completion, students may continue with professional internship and the MA program, allowing MLS graduates to complete the degree at an accelerated pace.
Student Research
Qualified students are encouraged to participate in faculty research projects through independent study and honors courses in such areas as innate immune regulation, bacteriophage, microbial pathogenesis, antimicrobials, gastric secretion and cancer, glutamate receptors in neurological diseases and cancer, and myelination in the peripheral and central nervous systems.
Academic Advising
MLS majors meet each semester with a faculty adviser to review progress and plan the next semester’s program. The adviser helps students pace their studies appropriately. Counseling for graduate school, employment and reference support is ongoing for our alumni. A strong professional network exists among MLS alumni.
Admission Requirements
The requirements for consideration for admission to Medical Laboratory Sciences - BS programs are as follows:
Completion of 60 credits before enrolling in MLS, including: 1 year general chemistry with lab (CHEM 10200 (STEM) , CHEM 10400 (STEM) , CHEM 10600 (STEM) , or equiv) 1 year general biology with lab (BIOL 10000 (STEM) , BIOL 10200 (STEM) , or equiv) and overall GPA of at least 2.5. Students can enter the Medical Laboratory Sciences major in fall and spring semesters. Advisers welcome e-mail inquiries anytime. To apply both current Hunter College students and transfer students must complete a Transfer Application with the CUNY University Application Processing Center. Visit and select On-Line Application from the choices. Be sure to select “Medical Laboratory Sciences” at Hunter College as the choice of curriculum. Use CUNY curriculum code 0344 when applying. Admissions take place on a rolling basis so students should apply as early as possible. Admission deadlines for fall and spring semesters are February 1 and September 15, respectively. Students are encouraged to complete most of their Hunter Core Requirement (HCR) Appendix I: Hunter Core Requirement which includes the CUNY Common Core, the Hunter Focus on foreign language and the concurrent Rrequirements before entering the program, but liberal arts classes can be interspersed with major courses.
Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance into the program, which is based, by necessity, on the limitations of space and resources. The Hunter College Department of Medical Lab Sciences is dedicated to equal opportunity for all applicants who meet admission requirements.
Course of Study Candidates for the BS degree complete a total of 120 credits including the Hunter Core Requirement. See requirements for the two undergraduate majors offered in MLS (1)Medical Laboratory Sciences: Clinical Science BS and 2) Medical Laboratory Sciences: Biomedical Science BS.
Scholastic Requirements Student grades are reviewed each semester to determine eligibility for remaining in the program. Each student must maintain an overall GPA of 2.0 for each semester and a grade of C or better in each major course. Major courses must be taken for letter grades except, at the discretion of the chair, for clinic, field or independent study. Departmental permission is required in order to register for courses. Faculty advisers authorize course permissions during the pre-registration and registration periods.