Mar 09, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2016-2017 
Undergraduate Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Concentration in Linguistics and Rhetoric (39 cr)

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The concentration in Linguistics and Rhetoric is designed to provide students with a comprehensive course of study in the structures, uses, and ideologies of discourse in various types of texts, genres, and domains: from everyday talk to persuasive writing. Students will gain a complex understanding of spoken and written discourse by comparing a wide range of philosophical underpinnings, theoretical perspectives, and methodological approaches. This concentration is particularly suited for students who are interested in graduate study in Linguistics, Rhetoric, Applied Linguistics, and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).

The concentration consists of two parts:

Foundational Courses

Foundational Courses include courses in English and prerequisites to these courses. These courses must be completed before embarking upon the major. Students with appropriate background may be exempted from some or all Foundational Courses. See department for proper placement.

Note: Several courses leading to (foundational) or within this major may fulfill parts of the Hunter Core Requirement (CUNY Common Core [CCC], Hunter Focus, Concurrent Requirements). When selecting courses, it may be to a student’s advantage to choose courses that count toward the Hunter Core Requirement and also advance the student on the path to the major. Details on the Hunter Core Requirement can be found here: Appendix I: Hunter Core Requirement 

Courses CUNY Common Core Foundational or Major
ENGL 12000  English Composition (EC) Foundational
ENGL 22000  English Composition (EC) Foundational


BA in English: Concentration in Linguistics and Rhetoric



2. Two additional courses in linguistics chosen from the following (6 cr)


3. Theory and Practice of Expository Writing (3 cr)

4. Two courses in rhetoric chosen from the following (6 cr)

6. One course in American literature chosen from the following (3 cr)

7. One additional course in literature chosen from the following (3 cr)


Students may select electives from any 300- or 400-level English courses, including, if the student is eligible, one of the Honors Seminars (ENGL 49400). ENGL 30600 - Literary Theory (W)  is strongly recommended for all Linguistics and Rhetoric students. Students may also choose from courses related to linguistics or rhetoric offered in other departments, such as Anthropology (e.g., ANTHC 15100 - Introduction to Linguistics  ; ANTHC 32076 - Language, Sex and Gender  ; ANTHC 35100 - Language in Culture and Society  ), Classics (e.g., CLA 11000 - The Greek and Latin Roots of English  , and Philosophy (e.g., PHILO 10300 - Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking  ); or from courses in foreign language study that are beyond those taken in fulfillment of the foreign language requirement (e.g., advanced courses in a second language, beginning courses in a third language).
All English majors also have the option to take one of their elective courses in another department. In order to do this, students must meet all of that department’s prerequisites for the course. Students with double majors may apply the course to one of those majors, but not both. For example, someone majoring in English and History who takes HIST 342.51 Britain Since 1689 may count that course toward either the English or History major, not both. Students may choose from the courses and departments listed below.
Note: To take a 300-level course in one of the following departments and programs that is not on the list, or in another department, students must have prior written permission from an English advisor and must meet all the prerequisites for the course.


*ENGL 33300  and ENGL 34200  may be taken multiple times in different topics to fulfill both required and elective courses