Mar 10, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2015-2016 
Undergraduate Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Studio Art 42-Credit Major (BA)

The 42-credit Major (BA) is an intensive major recommended for the student who prefers a greater concentration in studio art and particular­ly for the student who plans to do graduate study in art. It consists of ARTLA 10100  and ARTCR 22100 , with a concentra­tion of 9 credits in one study area (e.g., painting, sculpture, drawing, graphics, ceramics, photogra­phy, combined media) and 18  credits of other studio art courses to be determined in consultation with a departmen­tal adviser.  Nine  credits of study in art history are required. Students in the 42-cr Studio Art major may not double major in Art History, but they may minor in Art History, by taking any 4 classes (12cr) in addition to the 3 classes (9 cr) required for the Studio Art 42cr major. No more than 30 credits of ARTCR can be counted toward the 120 credit BA degree, whether in the major or as college electives. 

Students should consult with a department adviser for guidance in the selection of 200-level courses. The plan for the area of concentration should be submitted to an adviser for tentative approval at the beginning of the junior year and for final approval in the lower senior term.

Please note: A maximum of 30 ARTCR credits may be applied toward the BA degree.

The 42-credit major in creative art consists of fourteen courses

Foundational Courses (6 credits) - 6 cr.

Concentration Courses (9 credits)

3 courses in one study area                                                                                                            

(e.g., painting, sculpture, drawing, graphics, ceramics, photography or combined media)           

Example Concentration: Painting - ARTCR 23500 , ARTCR 33600 , ARTCR 33600  

Advanced level courses may be repeated once with two different instructors.

Please note: ARTCR 360xx (special topic courses) cannot be used towards the concentration.

Art History (9 credits)

3 courses of ARTH      
(Art History prerequisite ARTH 11100 )                   

Studio Art Courses (18 credits):

6 other studio art courses, selected from 200 and 300 level to be determined in consultation with adviser.

Please note: ARTLA 36018  may be substituted for an ARTCR course with permission of the adviser.)

Total for Major: 42 credits


Students wishing to graduate with honors must consult an adviser to make an official application. Application forms are in the Art Office, Room 11054 Hunter North. Major credits must have been completed with a 3.5 grade point average and the cumulative grade point average, from courses taken only at Hunter, must be at least 3.0. Student must submit digital images of an advanced studio project or independent study course.


All ARTCR courses, unless otherwise specified, are open to qualified students majoring in other areas with instructor permission.