Mar 09, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2015-2016 
Undergraduate Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Philosophy - BA


The Philosophy Department offers two concentrations: 1) the Standard concentration and 2) the concentration in Philosophy, Politics and Society (PPS).

Standard Concentration


Foundational Courses

Foundational Courses must be completed before embarking upon the major. Students with appropriate background may be exempted from some or all Foundational Courses. See department for proper placement.

Hunter Core Requirement

Courses leading to (foundational) or within this major may fulfill parts of the Hunter Core Requirement (CUNY Common Core [CCC], Hunter Focus, Concurrent Requirements). When selecting courses, it may be to a student’s advantage to choose courses that count toward the Hunter Core Requirement and also advance the student on the path to the major. Details on the Hunter Core Requirement can be found here: Appendix I: Hunter Core Requirement 

The Standard Concentration

consists of 30 credits distributed as follows:

1. Logic (3 cr.)


5. Intensive Study of a Major Philosopher (3 cr.)

any course from those offered under PHILO 38000 Major Figures in Philosophy (W) 

6. Additional Credits (9 cr.)

  • Chosen in consultation with an adviser. Students are required to select at least one course (3 cr.) at the 300-level. Also they are encouraged to select courses that acquaint them with philosophic traditions other than the dominant Western ones.

Concentration in Philosophy, Politics and Society


Foundational Courses

Foundational Courses must be completed before embarking upon the major. Students with appropriate background may be exempted from some or all Foundational Courses. See department for proper placement. 

Hunter Core Requirement

Courses leading to (foundational) or within this major may fulfill parts of the Hunter Core Requirement (CUNY Common Core [CCC], Hunter Focus, Concurrent Requirements). When selecting courses, it may be to a student’s advantage to choose courses that count toward the Hunter Core Requirement and also advance the student on the path to the major. Details on the Hunter Core Requirement can be found here: Appendix I: Hunter Core Requirement .

The concentration in Philosophy, Politics and Society

consists of 30 credits distributed as follows:

Political Philosophy (3 cr.)


Intensive Study of a major philosopher, preferably concerning their political and/or social ideas (3 cr.)

offered under PHILO 38000 Major Figures in Philosophy (W) 

Study of Recent Issues in Political and Social Philosophy ( 3 cr.)


Electives (9 cr.)

chosen from 200- and 300-level PHIL courses (excluding PHILO 20300  and PHILO 20400  , but including PHILO 17100  ); 6 credits of this requirement may be taken from the nondepartmental courses listed below. It is also recommended that 3 credits be taken on philosophical approaches to class, race, or gender; the following philosophy courses satisfy this recommendation: PHILO 31900 - Marxist and Critical Theory (W)  , PHILO 22600 - African-American Philosophy (W)  , or PHILO 23000 - Feminism: Philosophical Theory and Practice (W) 

Elective courses recommended for students with particular interests

Elective credits should be carefully chosen to focus students’ programs on their present interests and future needs.
The following courses are recommended for students with particular interests.


Certain new, ad hoc, or independent study courses may be taken in partial satisfaction of requirements listed above, if they are approved by the Philosophy, Politics and Society major concentration adviser.

Major Adviser

The Philosophy Department offers extensive advising services to majors, including: guidance for course selection and sequencing and devising a course of study; tracking progress and compliance with college, CUNY, and state regulations; career advice; planning for graduate and professional school applications; and information about special opportunities for philosophy students.  Minors may also make use of these services.



Philosophy majors are encouraged to establish a relationship with a faculty mentor of their choice. This relationship can be distinct from the departmental advising relationship.


To be eligible for graduation with departmental honors in philosophy, a major must have at least a 3.50 GPA in philosophy, at least a 3.0 overall GPA. The student must register for the 3- or 6-credit PHILO 49400 , which is taken in addition to and is not part of the 30 credits for the major. The student must write a substantial paper under the direction of a full-time faculty member. To receive departmental honors the completed paper must be submitted to a three-member committee who will judge whether it merits departmental honors. This committee will consist of the director of the student’s Honors Tutorial and two other full-time philosophy faculty members appointed by the director.

Independent Study

Students may engage in independent study under the supervision of a member of the Philosophy department by receiving permission to take the following.

Minors in Philosophy

Students may declare an optional minor in Philosophy (the Standard concentration) or a minor in the Philosophy, Politics, Society concentration.  In either case a minor in philosophy is comprised of 12 credits at the 200-level or above, including no fewer than 3 credits at the 300-level. Exceptions:PHILO 17100   may count toward the minor at the 200-level; and PHILO 20300  and PHILO 20400  shall not count.  PHILO 20300 and 20400 are excluded from counting toward the minor, because they are, albeit advanced, introductory courses.  A student must pass a minor in philosophy with a minimum GPA of 3.00.

When constructing a philosophy minor in either the standard or the PPS concentration, a student should always consult with a philosophy department advisor beforehand.

A third minor, Political Theory, is offered jointly between the Philosophy and Political Science departments. This minor consistes of 15 credits. All three minors are described below.

The Standard Minor

Students should follow their interests in choosing the courses taken to satisfy the minor. Usually this will involve choosing courses related to the student’s major. Ideally the minor will allow the student to study the philosophical issues associated with a field or period of history in increasing depth. Some suggested tracks are listed below:

Minor in Philosophy, Politics and Society (PPS)

A student must take, as a prerequisite to the minor, PHILO 10600 .  This course does not count toward the PPS minor.

The PPS minor consists in taking 4 courses or 12 credits from the philosophy courses listed in the PPS major. Non-philosophy courses counting toward the PPS major concentration may not count toward the minor in philosophy.

Minor in Political Theory

The Political Theory Minor provides a concentration of study for students interested in political, social, and legal philosophy or thought, often related to public discourses, practices, and laws.  It recognizes the interdisciplinary character of political theory, which operates at the intersection of the humanities and social sciences.  It focuses on critical issues of ethics and power in history and the present, along with major authors in the traditions of political philosophy and thought.

The minor program consists of at least 15 credits taken from the courses listed below, or others as approved by the minor program advisor. Students must take at least 6 credits in philosophy and 6 credits in political science, including PHILO 10600  (or another 100-level PHILO course, with permission of the Advisor) and POLSC 20000 .  At least 3 credits must be taken at the 300-level, and one course must be taken from each of the three Minor categories (listed below).  No more than six credits that count towards the student’s major may be used to fulfill this Minor.

1. Required Courses

2. Current Courses That Count Towards the Political Theory Minor

Minor courses are to be selected from the following list of regularly taught courses or special topics courses in Philosophy or Political Science that pertain to the Minor but are irregularly taught (those interested in the latter should check with the advisor to verify that they may count toward the minor).  In addition, one course, with significant theoretical content, offered in, e.g., Anthropology, Classics, Geography, History, Religion, or Sociology, may count toward the Minor, upon approval of the Political Theory Adviser.

History of Political Philosophy and Thought

One Course on figures in, or periods of, political theory, eg., courses in the PHILO 38000 Major Figures in Philosophy (W) topic series:

Basic Concepts and Themes

 One course on theoretical or conceptual tendencies in political theory

Theoretical Dimensions of Contemporary Controversies

One course on problems or issues in political theory