Mar 10, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Geography - BA
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The major in Geography is designed to prepare students to understand and respond to our world’s changing social and natural environments. The major consists of 43-45 credits—a 13-15 credit Common Core that includes a capstone project, and 30 credits in one of four tracks: Urban and Social Geography, Physical and Environmental Geography, Geographic Information Science, and Sustainability Studies. Students interested in temporary certification as a Social Studies-Childhood Education teacher should complete Track A: Urban and Social Geography and must apply for the QUEST Program through the School of Education before completing a total of 45 undergraduate credits.
To declare as a geography major, students must complete one of the following three courses (which are included in the major): GEOG 10100 or GEOG 15000 or GEOL 10500 . Completion of ENGL 12000 prior to declaring as a major is also strongly recommended since several advanced courses have ENGL 120 as a prerequisite. Students interested in the Geographic Information Science track are strongly encouraged to take STAT 11300 or STAT 21300 (STEM) since it is a prerequisite for GTECH 30100 .
Note: Courses leading to this major may fulfill parts of the Hunter Core Requirement (CUNY Common Core, Hunter Focus, Concurrent Requirements). When selecting courses, it may be to a student’s advantage to choose courses that count toward the Hunter Core Requirement and also advance the student on the path to the major. Details on the Hunter Core Requirement can be found here: Appendix I: Hunter Core Requirement
Major in Geography (43-45 cr)
Students complete the Geography Core (13-15 credits), and select one of the four tracks (30 credits). Geography Core 13-15 credits
Track A: Urban and Social Geography (30 credits)
5 courses from the list below (15 credits)
2 courses with a GEOG 30600 course number (6 credits)
3 courses with a GEOG 30500, GEOG 38300, or GTECH 38500 course number (9 credits) with advice and approval of the undergraduate adviser as appropriate to student interests and professional goals
Track B: Physical and Environmental Geography (30 credits)
Five 300-level courses with a PGEOG, GEOL, and/or GTECH prefix with advice and approval of the undergraduate advisor as appropriate to student interests and professional goals (15 credits)
Track C: Geographic Information Science (30 credits)
The following 15 credits:
2 additional 300-level GTECH courses with advice and approval of the undergraduate advisor as appropriate to student interests and professional goals
Note: GTECH 30100 has GTECH 20100 and STAT 11300 or STAT 21300 as prerequisites. Selected GTECH 38500 courses have GEOG or PGEOG prerequisites in addition to GTECH 20100. Track D: Sustainability Studies (30 credits)
Five courses from the list below (15 credits):
2 courses with a GEOG 30500, GEOG 30600, GEOG 38300 or GTECH 38500 course number (6 credits) with advice and approval of the undergraduate adviser as appropriate to student interests and professional goals
Note: Most GEOG 30600 courses have GEOG 15000 or permission of instructor as a prerequisite. GEOG 30500 courses have GEOG 24300 or permission of instructor as a pre-requisite. GTECH 38500 courses have GTECH 20100 as a prerequisite. Minors for Geography Majors
A minor course of study is no longer required at Hunter College. However, geography majors can elect to minor in any field of their choice. It is recommended, but not required, that the chosen field be related to the student’s principal interest(s) in geography, and that the student consult with the Geography Undergraduate Adviser prior to selection of a minor course of study. Minor in Geography
A minor in geography consists of a minimum of 12 credits chosen from undergraduate courses that have a GEOG, PGEOG or GTECH prefix. Prerequisites may apply. Thoughtful selection of courses may result in a minor program of study that will enhance the student’s major. It is recommended that prospective geography minors consult with the geography undergraduate adviser concerning course selection. Minor in Geology
A minor in geology consists of a minimum of 12 credits selected from courses with a GEOL prefix, or PGEOG 23100 , or PGEOG 33400 , or GTECH 35000 . Prerequisites may apply. It is recommended that prospective geology minors consult with an undergraduate adviser from the Department of Geography. Minor in Environmental Studies
A minor in environmental studies consists of a minimum of 12 credits as follows: *PGEOG 25000 is a prerequisite for PGEOG 25100 Honors Work and Individual Study
To graduate with departmental honors, a major in the geography or environmental studies program must be admitted to the following and have a 3.0 cumulative GPA and a 3.5 GPA in the major. The following courses
Also offer students the opportunity of undertaking individual research in geography, geology or environmental studies. Fieldwork
Several courses offer students an opportunity to study geography, geology and environmental situations in the field. They are usually offered during intersession periods, summer session or on weekends (consult Schedule of Classes). In addition to the regular field courses, special-topic field courses are offered periodically and fieldwork is conducted in connection with a number of the other courses. The department participates in the Education Abroad Program. It offers a field geography of selected world regions course (check with adviser for current location). An additional fee for transportation, lodging and food allowance is attached to these courses, depending on the focus of the course and its itinerary. Graduate Study
Graduate-level courses may be taken for credit toward the bachelor’s degree by highly qualified seniors. Written permission must be obtained from the undergraduate and graduate advisers. Intern Program
Internship provides opportunities for qualified majors and minors in both geography and environmental studies to work in positions of responsibility in professional institutions while earning from 1 to 4 academic credits. See a departmental adviser for details. |
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