Progress Standards
A. 12-Credit Progress Standards for Matriculated Students
1. Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0.
2. Students with more than one course grade below B in the first 12 credits of SEDC or SEDF course work will not be allowed to continue in the program.
3. Students who receive a grade of F in any course, including arts and sciences courses, in the first 12 credits will not be allowed to continue in the program.
4. Students with one grade of IN (Incomplete) within the first 12 credits are restricted from registering for more than one additional course. Those with two or more INs will not be allowed to register for any courses.
Note: It is recommended that students with two or more INs take an official leave of absence.
5. All students must take the Liberal Arts and Sciences Test (LAST) of the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations and submit their scores to the Office of Educational Services before they complete 12 credits of course work. Any student who does not receive a passing score on the LAST must enroll in the school’s reading/writing workshop before being permitted to register for any courses.
B. Fieldwork Benchmarks
All field experiences and student teaching will take place in New York City public schools.
Any student who receives a grade of B-, C+ or C in a supervised field experience or student teaching or practicum course must apply to the chairperson of the department for permission to repeat that course, which may be repeated only once. Any student who receives a grade of F or WU may not reregister and will not be allowed to continue in the program.