Admission Requirements for Track III: Bioinformatics
The general college admission requirements must be satisfied. These include the Graduate Record Examination and two letters of recommendation. In addition, the department requires one semester of Linear Algebra (Math 260) and one semester of Multivariate Calculus (Math 250). The department’s requirements are minimal. They are intended to encourage students without a previous specialization in mathematics to pursue a degree in statistics and applied mathematics.
The Bioinformatics trackallows students with career plans in the biomedical sciences and without a previous specialization in mathematics to pursue a degree in statistics and applied mathematics. In addition to the above departmental requirements for admission to the MA program in Statistics and Applied Mathematics, it is required that the student have an adequate undergraduate training in biological sciences, chemistry, or related fields, as well as strong computer programming skills. The following track requirements, or their equivalents, are the minimal requirements that the student must meet in order to enter the Bioinformatics track:
1. One semester of introductory biology (BIOL 100 or equivalent)
2. One year of general chemistry (CHEM 102-105 or equivalent)
3. One semester of organic chemistry (CHEM 222 or equivalent)
4. One semester of biological chemistry (BIOL 300 or equivalent)
5. Familiarity with UNIX and database programming (CSCI 132-232 or equivalent)
For further information on the MA in Bioinformatics, please contact Professor Ronald
*The 30 credits (10 courses) must be approved by an advisor and constitute a concentration.
**Courses already taken as an undergraduate will satisfy specific course requirements but are not included in the 30 credit (10 course) total.