Mar 09, 2025
Graduate Catalog 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Advanced Preparation in Special Education - MSEd
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This is a 30-credit program leading to a master’s degree in Special Education: Advanced Preparation in Special Education as well as NYS Professional Certification in Childhood Special Education or Early Childhood Special Education. Thr program offers three tracks, each designed for teachers certified in special education who are seeking advanced preparation related to Special Education: Learning Disabilities (LD), Behavior Disorders (BD) or Early Childhood Special Education. The program is designed for those with initial NYS teacher certification in special education who are in need of graduate work leading to a master’s degree and Professional Certification in Childhood Special Education or Early Childhood Special Education. It is also designed for those who hold NYS teacher certification in Special Education and a master’s degree (e.g., those with permanent or professional certification at any age-level of special education) who are seeking to further their knowledge/skills, gain additional graduate credits, and, at the same time, add an extension, annotation, or additional age-level certificate.
The purpose of this program is to provide an advanced master’s program that encourages practicing teachers to continue their professional development via individually tailored and highly practical graduate preparation focused on effective practices and specially designed instruction in Special Education.
Admission Requirements
- New York State initial or professional teacher certification in Students with Disabilities grades 1-6 or birth to grade 2 or New York State permanent certification in special education, K-12.
- An undergraduate BA or BS degree with a GPA of 2.8 or higher from an approved college or a graduate degree in special education (any age-level) with a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
- Two professional references to be included with the application for admission.
- A personal statement to be included as part of the application for admission.
Progress Standards
- Students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 in order to continue in the program.
- Students with more than one course grade below B in the first 12 credits will not be allowed to continue in the program.
- A student who receives a grade of F in any course in the first 12 credits will not be allowed to continue in the program.
- Students with one grade of IN (Incomplete) within the first 12 credits are restricted from registering for more than one additional course. Those with two or more INs will not be allowed to register for any courses. It is recommended that students with two or more INs take an official leave of absence while they are completing their IN courses.
Advanced Preparation in Special Education Course of Study
Total Credits: 30 credits Learning Disabilities (Track 1)
16-Credit Core of Courses
14 credits of electives from coursework related to—other special education topics, behavioral disorders, autism spectrum disorders, early childhood special education (could qualify for additional age level), blind/VI, deaf/HH, gifted and talented (could apply for a NYS extension), and severe/multiple disabilities (could apply for a NYS annotation)—to be determined jointly in mandatory consultation with a program adviser. (Note: written approval of a student’s plan is required.) Representative of the spectrum of choices, but not an exhaustive list of the elective options. Behavior Disorders (Track 2)
Total Credits: 30 credits 18-credit Core of Courses
12 credits of electives from coursework related to—other special education topics, behavioral disorders, autism spectrum disorders, early childhood special education (could qualify for additional age level), blind/VI, deaf/HH, gifted and talented (could apply for a NYS extension), and severe/multiple disabilities (could apply for a NYS annotation)—to be determined jointly with mandatory consultation with a program adviser. (Note: written approval of a student’s plan is required.) Representative of the spectrum of choices, but not an exhaustive list of the elective options. Early Childhood Special Education (Track 3)
Total Credits: 30 credits 17-Credit Core of Courses
13 credits of electives from coursework related to—other special education topics, behavioral disorders, autism spectrum disorders, early childhood special education (could qualify for additional age level), blind/VI, deaf/HH, gifted and talented (could apply for a NYS extension), and severe/multiple disabilities (could apply for a NYS annotation)—to be determined jointly with mandatory consultation with a program adviser. (Note: written approval of a student’s plan is required.) Representative of the spectrum of choices, but not an exhaustive list of the elective options. Exit Standards
- An overall GPA of 3.0.
- Students must demonstrate consistently satisfactory written English in all course work.
- Student teaching , Supervised Practicum, and Clinical Teaching Lab:
A. Students are required to attain a minimum grade of B in all student teaching, practica and clinical teaching lab courses. Students receiving B-, C+, or C for any one of these courses must apply to the department chairperson for permission to retake that course, which may be repeated only once. Any student who receives a grade of F in a fieldwork or clinical teaching course will not be allowed to continue in the program. B. Students must complete all required days and hours for each of the student teaching, practica and clinical teaching lab courses. Students not completing the minimum required days and hours will receive a course grade of IN for that course, prohibiting them from graduating. - Culminating Activity—Students must perform satisfactorily on a two-part culminating activity:
A comprehensive research-based oral presentation on a current special education issue and either an original written research proposal or a written proposal for competitive grant funding. - Students must pass the School of Education technology assessment.
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