Graduate Catalog 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Romance Languages
About the Department
The Department of Romance Languages’ Graduate Division offers MA degrees in French, Italian, and Spanish as a terminal degree or as a preparation for a doctoral program in the respective areas. The Department also offers an MA/TEP (Teacher Education Program) in each language in conjunction with the School of Education. This MA/TEP Program is designed to prepare candidates to teach in elementary and secondary schools. The department enjoys the teaching and scholarship of professors who have acquired high reputation in their respective fields.
Programs and Courses
Romance Languages (French, Italian, Spanish) - MA
Program for Teachers of Adolescent Education (Grades 7-12) - French, Italian, and Spanish MA
See the School of Education section of this catalog for additional information on admission and program requirements.
Doctor of Philosophy
PhD programs in Romance languages are based at the City University Graduate Center. See the bulletin of the Graduate Center for a description of the PhD programs and a complete list of courses or go to
Administration and Faculty
Department Office:
1341 West
(212) 772-4760
Paolo Fasoli
1309 West
(212) 772-5129
Graduate Advisers
Graduate Advisers
Romance Languages Faculty