Graduate Catalog 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Curriculum and Teaching
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About the Department
Welcome to the Department of Curriculum and Teaching at Hunter College, the home of a wide variety of graduate and undergraduate programs that will prepare you for one of the highest callings in society: education. Along with the other departments in the School of Education, we carry on the original mission of Hunter College: the preparation of educators.
As part of the largest department in the Hunter College School of Education, Curriculum & Teaching programs prepare teachers and other school personnel in the areas of Childhood Education (elementary), Adolescent Education (secondary), Early Childhood Education, Literacy, Bilingual Education, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL–K-12 and Adult), and Administration & Supervision. Our primary mission is to prepare teachers for any classroom environment, although we are particularly committed to preparing teachers for the challenges of public education in an urban setting.
The Department of Curriculum and Teaching houses the majority of the programs and courses in the Hunter College School of Education, working closely with departments in the School of Arts & Sciences to train teachers in content area knowledge, and in the methods of teaching such subject areas as English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Foreign Languages, Music, ESL, Bilingual Education, Math, and Science. Its programs ask future teachers and administrators to be thoughtful and knowledgeable educators, advocates for children and other learners, active promoters of social justice, knowledgeable resources, and effective future leaders in education.
Professor Jennifer Tuten
1023 West
212 772-4686
Administrative Assistant:
Genevieve Joseph
Assistant to the Department Chair:
Jade Young
College Assistant:
Angela Calvo
Hazera Jalil
Laura Baecher, Assistant Professor; EdD, Teachers College, Columbia; TESOL
Carmen Sherry Brown, Assistant Professor; EdD, Buffalo; Early Childhood Education
Nadine Bryce, Assistant Professor; EdD, Teachers College, Columbia; Reading and Language Arts
Jenny Castillo, Associate Professor; PhD, CUNY; Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature
Brian Collins, Assistant Professor; PhD, NYU; Bilingual Education
Stephen DeMeo, Professor; EdD, Teachers College, Columbia; Secondary Science Education
Ann Ebe, Assistant Professor; PhD, Univ. of Arizona; Language Reading and Culture: Reading and Writing Processes, Uses and Research
Anne M. Ediger, Professor; PhD, UCLA; Applied Linguistics
Terrie Epstein, Professor; EdD, Harvard; Education
Timothy Farnsworth, Assistant Professor; PhD, UCLA; Applied Linguistics
Dolores Fernández, Professor; PhD, Hofstra; Language and Cognition
Francis Gardella, Associate Professor; EdD, Rutgers; Mathematics Education
Robert Gyles, Professor; PhD, NYU; Mathematics Education/Curriculum and Instruction
Yang Hu, Associate Professor; EdD, Teachers College, Columbia; English Education
Kathleen Isaac, Distinguished Lecturer; MA, NYU; Dance Education
Deborah Ann Jensen, Associate Professor; PhD, Fordham; Language, Literacy and Learning
Marcia Knoll, Associate Professor; EdD, St. John’s; Curriculum and Teaching
Karen Koellner, Associate Professor; PhD, Arizona State; Mathematics
Patricia Martin, Lecturer; PhD, CUNY; Clinical Psychology
John Niman, Professor; PhD, Columbia; Mathematics and Mathematics Education
Janet Patti, Professor; EdD, Northern Arizona; Education
Lacey Peters, Assistant Professor; PhD, Arizona State; Early Childhood Education
Anthony Picciano, Professor; PhD, Fordham Univ.; Educational Administration, Technology
Jody Polleck, Assistant Professor; PhD, NYU; English Education
Dennis Robbins, Associate Professor; EdD, Teachers College, Columbia; Science Education
Christine Rosalia, Assistant Professor; PhD, Teachers College, Columbia; Educational Communications & Technology
Melissa Schieble, Assistant Professor; PhD, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; Curriculum/Instruction
Benjamin Shuldiner, Distinguished Lecturer; MSEd, Baruch College; Educational Leadership
Debbie Sonu, Assistant Professor; EdD, Teacher’s College, Columbia; Curriculum and Teaching Urban-Multicultural Education
L. Christina Taharally, Associate Professor; EdD, Univ. of Massachusetts (Amherst); Early Childhood Education
Virginia Tong, Assistant Professor; PhD, NYU; Bilingual Education
John Toth, Distinguished Lecturer; PhD, European Graduate School; Media & Communications
Jenny Tuten, Associate Professor and Chair; PhD, Fordham; Language and Literacy Education
Rachael Welder, Assistant Professor; PhD, Montana State; Mathematics and Mathematics Education
Sandra Wilde, Professor; PhD, Univ. of Arizona; Elementary Education
Jason Wirtz, Assistant Professor; PhD, Michigan State; Rhetoric and Writing
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