Graduate Catalog 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Mathematics and Statistics
About the Department
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers a choice of master’s programs. The MA in Pure Math is a 30-credit degree. The course work largely mirrors the first two years of a doctoral program in Mathematics. Achievement of the degree includes a comprehensive examination. In addition students must show reading competency in a foreign language.
The MA Program in Statistics and Applied Mathematics is intended for students interested in applications to business, science, engineering, industry, biology, and medicine, as well as teaching and research. This is a 30-credit degree. There are three tracks.
Statistics is Track I, Applied Mathematics is Track II, and Bioinformatics is Track III. Achievement of the degree requires a final project as well as working knowledge of two computer languages. The final projects provide the student with the opportunity to investigate a problem whose outcome is not previously known. Our faculty mentor the projects.
The department also has combined BA/MA programs in Mathematics or Statistics and Applied Mathematics. In addition, the department offers, jointly with the School of Education, an MA in Adolescent Mathematics Education Grades 7-12, and a combined BA/MA in Adolescent Mathematics Education. The MA in Mathematics Education is designed for individuals without provisional certification in mathematics. Individuals who already have provisional certification in mathematics should pursue either the MA in pure mathematics or the MA in statistics and applied mathematics or the new Professional Certification Master’s Program.
Programs and Courses in Mathematics and Statistics
Programs and Courses in Mathematics and Statistics
Program for Teachers of Adolescent Education (Grades 7-12) – Mathematics MA
See the School of Education section of this catalog for additional information on admission and program requirements.
Administration and Faculty
Department Office:
919 East
(212) 772-5300
Robert Thompson
919 East
(212) 772-5300
Graduate Advisers:
John Loustau, Mathematics
913 East
(212) 772-4600
Edward Binkowski, Statistics
942 East
(212) 772-4715
Patrick Burke, Mathematics Education
927 East
(212) 396-6043
Alberto Baider, Professor; PhD, MIT; Differential Algebra, Dynamical Systems
Ara Basmajian, Professor; PhD, SUNY Stony Brook; Hyperbolic Geometry, Discrete Groups
Martin Bendersky, Professor; PhD, California (Berkeley); Algebraic Topology
Edward S. Binkowski, Associate Professor; PhD, Princeton; Data Analysis
Patrick Burke, Lecturer; PhD, Columbia; Mathematics Education
Barry M. Cherkas, Professor; PhD, Georgetown; Partial Differential Equations, Collegiate Mathematics Education
Daniel S. Chess, Associate Professor; PhD, Princeton; Structure Theorems for Diffeomorphisms
Richard C. Churchill, Professor; PhD, Wisconsin; Differential Algebra, Dynamical Systems
Sandra P. Clarkson, Professor; EdD, Georgia; Mathematics and Statistics Education
Lucille Croom, Professor; PhD, Columbia; Mathematics Education
Scott Gentile, Lecturer; MA, Boston College; Mathematics Education
Thomas F. Jambois, Associate Professor; PhD, California (Berkeley); Riemann Surfaces, Algebraic Geometry
John Loustau, Professor; PhD, California (Santa Barbara); Non-associative Algebras, Computer Graphics
Ron Neath, Assistant Professor; PhD, Minnesota; Markov chain Monte Carlo, Bayesian statistical methods
Clayton Petsche, Assistant Professor; PhD, University of Texas at Austin; Theory of Numbers
Roger S. Pinkham, Visiting Professor; PhD, Harvard; Statistics, Probability, Numerical analysis, Analysis
Joseph Roitberg, Professor; PhD, NYU; Algebraic Topology
Michael Samra, Lecturer; M.Phil., CUNY; Mathematics
Verna Segarra, Lecturer; MA, City College; Mathematics Education
Brian Shay, Associate Professor; PhD, CUNY; Algebraic Topology, Reasoning Under Uncertainty (AI), Mathematics of Financial Economics
Lev Shneerson, Professor; PhD, Ural State University; Combinatorial Semigroup Theory
Dana Sylvan, Associate Professor; PhD, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland; Non-stationary Processes, Quantile Inference
Robert D. Thompson, Professor and Chair; PhD, Washington; Algebraic Topology
William H. Williams, Professor; PhD, Iowa State; Sampling Theory, Time Series, Econometrics