Graduate Catalog 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Biological Sciences
About the Department
The Department of Biological Sciences has graduate and post-graduate research programs in molecular and cell biology, cancer biology, molecular and developmental genetics, and molecular neuroscience. Students may obtain the MA from Hunter College and/or the PhD jointly from Hunter College and the City University Graduate Center. The doctoral program is designed to prepare students to cope with the radical changes in direction and experimental approaches that will characterize future developments in biology, as well as to train highly qualified research scientists who are fully equipped to teach and to direct research in a wide variety of university and industry programs in the biological sciences.
Faculty of the department are pursuing projects in the forefront of modern research. In addition to the individual research laboratories, a number of shared facilities are housed in the department. They include transmission and scanning electron microscopes, a sequencing and synthesis facility equipped with a DNA synthesizer, a peptide synthesizer, a gasphase sequencer, DNA sequencer and advanced HPLC and data processing equipment, a bioimaging facility, a fluorescence-activated cell sorter and a biopreparation facility. Several facilities are available through the chemistry department, including X-ray diffraction, NMR, mass spectroscopy and biomolecular computation. Shared modern animal facilities are also available.
Programs and Courses
Programs and Courses in Biology
Biochemistry - MA
Program for Teachers of Adolescent Education (Grades 7-12) - Biology MA
See the School of Education section of this catalog for additional information on admission and program requirements.
Administration and Faculty
Department Office:
927 North
(212) 772-5293
Shirley Raps
927 North
(212) 772-5293
Master’ s Graduate Adviser for Matriculated Students:
Roger Persell
810 North
(212) 772-4106
Biological Science Adviser for
BA/MA Biotechnology Students:
Patricia Rockwell
821 North
(212) 650-3234
Biological Science Adviser for PhD Students:
Patricia Rockwell
821 North
(212) 650-3234
Education Adviser:
Stephen Demeo
908 West
(212) 772-4776
Adrienne Alaie, Assistant Professor; PhD, CUNY, Science Education
Jesus Angulo, Professor; PhD, CUNY; Addictive Drugs and Neurochemistry of the Synapse
Jill Bargonetti, Professor; PhD, NYU; Molecular Mechanisms of Tumorigenesis
Diana Bratu, Assistant Professor; PhD, NYU Medical, 4-D Visualization of mRNA Processes
Derrick Brazill, Associate Professor; PhD, California (Berkeley); Mechanisms of Cell Density Sensing in Eukaryotes
Jason Dictenberg, Assistant Professor; PhD, Massachusetts Medical, Gene Expression in Synaptic Development and Plasticity
Robert P. Dottin, Professor; PhD, Toronto; Regulation of Gene Expression by Signal Transduction
Laurel A. Eckhardt, Marie L. Hesselbach Professor; PhD, Stanford; Molecular Immunology; Executive Officer, Joint Hunter/City University Graduate Center PhD Program in Biological Sciences
Paul Feinstein, Associate Professor; PhD, Columbia, Genetics, Embryonic Stem Cells and Neural Development
Maria Figueiredo-Pereira, Professor; PhD, NYU; The Ubiquitin/Proteasome Pathway in Neurodegeneration
Marie T. Filbin, CUNY Distinguished Professor; PhD, Bath (England); Molecular Mechanisms of Axonal Regeneration
David A. Foster, Rosalyn Yalow Professor of Biology and Biochemistry; PhD, Columbia; Oncogenes and Signal Transduction
Mitchell Goldfarb, Professor; PhD, MIT; Molecular Neurobiology: Functions of Fibroblast Growth Factor-Homologous Factors (FHFs) and Other Signaling Molecules
Diego Loayza, Assistant Professor; PhD, Johns Hopkins; Molecular Biology of Telomeres and Genetics
Carmen Melendez-Vasquez, Assistant Professor; PhD, London; Cytoskeletal Regulation of Myelin Formation
Benjamin Ortiz, Associate Professor; PhD, Stanford; Regulation of Chromatin Structure and its Role in T-Cell Development
Roger Persell, Associate Professor; PhD, CUNY; Interdisciplinary Approaches to Biological Concepts, Evolution of Behavior, Science Education
Weigang Qiu, Associate Professor; PhD, SUNY, Stony Brook; Evolutionary Bioinformatics and Population Genetics of Bacterial Diversity.
Shirley Raps, Professor; PhD, Illinois; Cyanobacterial Plasmids, Microcystins and Phycobilisomes, Science Education
Patricia Rockwell, Professor; PhD, CUNY; Signal Transduction and Gene Expression Associated with Alzheimer’ s Disease
Thomas Schmidt-Glenewinkel, Associate Professor; Dr Phil Nat, Frankfurt (Germany); Molecular Biology of Nervous System Development
Hualin Zhong, Assistant Professor; PhD, Rutgers; Cell Biology the Nuclear Envelope and Molecular Genetics