Mar 08, 2025
Graduate Catalog 2021-2022
ARTCR 79200 - Thesis Writing ARTCR79200 provides instruction to assist in the writing component of the MFA student’s thesis presentation. It may be taken in advance of or simultaneously with the penultimate semester, the thesis exhibition semester. Students must have completed 24 credits (one half of the program) prior to taking ARTCR79200. The class will focus on student writing skills in general with the specific goal of instructing them in the skills and knowledge required to write a successful thesis statement. The thesis statement is an essential requirement in that professional work as an artist requires regular writing to explain work to the public, apply for professional opportunities, etc. The class will be taught by one instructor who may tap other faculty or outside experts to aid in instruction in specific topics. Instruction will relate self-defined student artwork with assigned writing projects.
prereq or coreq: Completion of 24 credits in the MFA Program Hours 3 hrs Credits 3 cr.