2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog - Phase I [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PUPOL 10000 - Introduction to Public Policy An interdisciplinary introduction to public policy utilizing the literature and tools of a variety of social science disciplines. This course introduces students to basic concepts and approaches in public policy. It will acquaint students with public policy as a field of study, the basic elements of the policy making process, and distinct modes for analyzing public policy and its outcomes. It will be team-taught by faculty from at least two related social science disciplines.
Writing Requirements:This course will require 20 to 25 pages of writing in the form of two take home essay examinations (4-5 pages each), a proposal for a final paper (3-5), and a final paper (8-10 pages).
Open only to students enrolled in the program. Cannot be used to fulfill any other requirements.
This course is taken at the state of the art Roosevelt House. prereq: declaration of a minor/certificate in Public Policy and a minimum GPA requirement of 3.0 3 hrs 3 cr.