Mar 09, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
POLSC 11000 - American Government: A Historical Introduction (W) Hunter Core Flexible Core: US Experience in its Diversity GER 1/C or 2/B
Overview of the American political system from a historical perspective, with emphasis on the Constitution and its enduring influence, development of party systems and citizen participation and evolving role of Congress, presidency and courts.
Not open to students who have passed CLEP or the AP American Government exam or who have taken or received transfer credit for POLSC 11100. Please note that all versions of Introduction to American Government taken at other colleges and universities or credited by examination (e.g., CLEP, AP American Government) are the equivalent of POLSC 11100. Students cannot use credit for both POLSC 11000 and POLSC 11100 to fulfill graduation requirements or major requirements.
prereq or coreq: ENGL 12000 or its equivalent 3 hrs 3 cr.