Undergraduate Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
WGS 20100 - Classics in Feminist Thought (W) Pluralism and Diversity PD/C GER 3/A or B
The course covers the historical debates within the ‘women’s movement’ in the United States by examining some of the ‘classical’ texts by Mary Wollstonecraft, John Adams, and Sojourner Truth. The course also covers the political and intellectual contribution by women of color to the discipline by reading Gloria Anzuldua, bell hooks, Audre Lorde, Patricia Williams, Kimberley Crenshaw among others. ‘Foundational’ texts by Gayle Rubin, Judith Butler, and Adrienne Rich offer a deeper understanding of queer theory’s influence to the discipline. Even as the course reads ‘classic’ texts of the discipline, we will critically examine the formation of a cannon.
prereq: WGS 10000, ENGL 12000 or equiv. 3 hrs 3 cr.