Mar 10, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
GEOL 21100 - Field Geology of New York City and Vicinity GER 3/B
Provides you with the essential information about the geology of New York City, plate tectonics, and the philosophy and the practice of geological field work. Students will learn how to use basic field equipment and geologic and topographic maps. The first part of the course consists of field trips using public transportation to the main geologic formations of the New York metropolitan where students examine and identify rocks in situ and non in situ. Basic procedures of geologic field research are taught and students learn to identify, measure, and describe rocks, geologic structures and textures. The second part of the course will be in the laboratory to study the field material, plot information on topographic maps, correlate information and create basic geologic maps, basic geologic profiles and the synthetic geologic column of the NYC Metropolitan area. prereq or coreq: Prereq: GEOL 10100 or 10200