School of Education
Curriculum and Teaching
Kathryn Ahmed, Assistant Professor; PhD, Univ. of Southern California; Urban Education Policy
Marcus Artigliere, Lecturer; MA, Hunter; TESOL
Laura Baecher, Professor; EdD, Teachers College, Columbia; TESOL
Carmen Sherry Brown, Associate Professor; EdD, Buffalo; Early Childhood Education
Nadine Bryce, Associate Professor; EdD, Teachers College, Columbia; Reading and Language Arts
Jenny Castillo, Associate Professor; PhD, CUNY; Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature
Brian Collins, Associate Professor; PhD, NYU; Bilingual Education
Stephen DeMeo, Professor; EdD, Teachers College, Columbia; Secondary Science Education
Terrie Epstein, Professor and Chair; EdD, Harvard; Education
Timothy Farnsworth, Associate Professor; PhD, UCLA; Applied Linguistics
Francis Gardella, Associate Professor; EdD, Rutgers; Mathematics Education
Marshall George, Olshan Professor of Clinical Practice; EdD, Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville; English Education and Educational Leadership
Robert Gyles, Professor; PhD, NYU; Mathematics Education/Curriculum and Instruction
Yang Hu, Associate Professor; EdD, Teachers College, Columbia; English Education
Marcia Knoll, Associate Professor; EdD, St. John’s; Curriculum and Teaching
Patricia Martin, Lecturer (Doctoral); PhD, CUNY; Clinical Psychology
Maria Mavrides, Lecturer; MS, Hunter College; Early Childhood Education
Helen Panero, Associate Professor; PhD, NYU; English Education
Lacey Peters, Assistant Professor; PhD, Arizona State; Early Childhood Education
Anthony Picciano, Professor; PhD, Fordham Univ.; Educational Administration, Technology
Nicora Placa, Assistant Professor; PhD, NYU; Teaching and Learning
Jody Polleck, Associate Professor; PhD, NYU; English Education
Dennis Robbins, Associate Professor; EdD, Teachers College, Columbia; Science Education
Christine Rosalia, Associate Professor; PhD, Teachers College, Columbia; Educational Communications & Technology
Maria Teresa Sanchez, Assistant Professor; PhD, Boston College; Curriculum and Instruction
Melissa Schieble, Associate Professor; PhD, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; Curriculum/Instruction
Debbie Sonu, Associate Professor; EdD, Teacher’s College, Columbia; Curriculum and Teaching Urban-Multicultural Education
Virginia Tong, Associate Professor; PhD, NYU; Bilingual Education
Jenny Tuten, Professor and Acting Associate Provost; PhD, Fordham; Language and Literacy Education
Jason Wirtz, Associate Professor; PhD, Michigan State; Rhetoric and Writing
Michael Zamansky, Distinguished Lecturer; MS, NYU; Computer Science
Educational Foundations and Counseling Programs
Markus Bidell, Associate Professor; PhD, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara; Clinical Counseling/School Psychology
Sarah Bonner, Professor; PhD, Univ. of Arizona; Educational Psychology
Tamara Buckley, Associate Professor; PhD, Teachers College, Columbia; Counseling Psychology
Elizabeth Cardoso, Professor and Chair; PhD, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; Psychology
Peggy P. Chen, Associate Professor; PhD, CUNY; Educational Psychology
Yung-Chen Chiu, Assistant Professor; PhD, Penn State University; Counselor Education
Amanda Crowell, Lecturer (Doctoral); PhD, Teachers College; Cognitive Studies in Education
Alexander W. Fietzer, Assistant Professor; PhD, Fordham; Counseling Psychology
Sherryl Browne Graves, Professor and Acting Senior Associate Dean; PhD, Harvard; Clinical Psychology, Public Practice
John Keegan, Associate Professor; PhD, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; Rehabilitation Psychology
Mario A. Kelly, Associate Professor; EdD, Univ. of Rochester; Developmental/Educational Psychology
Michelle Lask, Distinguished Lecturer; EdM, Teachers College; Psychological Counseling
Gess LeBlanc, Associate Professor; PhD, CUNY; Developmental Psychology
Fredericka Liggins, Lecturer (Doctoral); EdD, National-Louis University; Adult Education
Michael Middleton, Professor and Dean; PhD, The University of Michigan; Education and Psychology
Veronica Muller, Associate Professor; PhD, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; Rehabilitation Psychology
GoEun Na, Assistant Professor; PhD, University of Maryland at College Park; School Counseling
Ruth Rose, Lecturer; MA, Southern Illinois; Linguistics/EFL
Alethea Taylor, Lecturer (Doctoral); PhD, Southern Illinois University; Rehabilitation
Jeanne Weiler, Associate Professor; PhD, SUNY (Stony Brook); Social Foundations of Education
Special Education
Jamie Bleiweiss, Assistant Professor; PhD, SUNY (Stony Brook); Clinical Psychology
Loretta E. Brady, Assistant Professor; PhD, Teachers College; Intellectual Disability/Autism
Kathryn Furlong-Silverio, Clinical Professor; MSEd, Hunter; Learning Disabilities
Elaine Gale, Associate Professor; PhD, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder; Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Katherine Garnett, Professor; EdD, Columbia; Assessment and Curriculum Development–Learning Disabilities
Virginia Gryta, Lecturer; MSEd, Hunter; Childhood Special Education
Kristen Hodnett, Clinical Professor; MS, Hunter; Special Education
Imani Irving, Lecturer; MSEd, Brooklyn; Educational Leadership
Bonnie Keilty, Professor and Chair; EdD, The George Washington University; Early Intervention/Early Childhood Special Education
April Kisamore, Associate Professor; PhD, Western New England University; Behavior Analysis
Elizabeth Klein, Clinical Professor; MS, Hunter; Special Education
Jennifer Klein, Lecturer; MA, Teachers College; Educational Psychology
William Longsworth, Clinical Professor; MS, Hunter; Special Education
Thomas C. McIntyre, Professor; PhD, Univ. of Connecticut; Emotional and Behavior Disorders
Gina Riley, Clinical Professor; PhD, Walden; Educating Young Adults
Jennifer Samson, Associate Professor; EdD, Harvard; Human Development and Psychology
Lauren Schnell, Assistant Professor; MA, Caldwell University; Applied Behavior Analysis; MEd, University of Massachusetts; Special Education
Catherine Voulgarides, Assistant Professor; PhD, NYU; Sociology of Education