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Tanya Agathocleous, Associate Professor; PhD, Rutgers; 19th and 20th century British literature and Culture, Global Anglophone literature
Meena Alexander, Distinguished Professor; PhD, Nottingham; Creative Writing, Romantic Poetry, Post-colonial Literature
Cristina León Alfar, Professor; PhD, Washington; Shakespeare, Early Modern Drama, Critical Theory, Women’ s Studies
Jeffrey Allred, Associate Professor; PhD, Pennsylvania; American Literature, Modernism, American Studies, Visual Culture
Kevin Black, Associate Professor; PhD, California at Berkeley; Literature from the Restoration to the present; 19th century British and American Literature
Peter Carey, Distinguished Professor; Fiction Writing
Sarah Chinn, Professor; PhD, Columbia; 19th-centuryAmerican Literature, Disability Studies, LGBT Studies
Chong Chon-Smith, Associate Professor; PhD, California at San Diego; Asian American Studies, American Studies, Cultural Studies, Visual/Film Studies, Comparative Ethnic Studies
Rebecca Connor, Associate Professor; PhD, Stanford; 18th-century British Literature, Visual and Material Culture
Nijah Cunningham, Assistant Professor; PhD, Columbia; 20th and 21st century African American literature and culture, Afro-Caribbean literature and culture.
Jeremy Glick, Associate Professor; PhD, Rutgers; Contemporary Drama, African Diaspora and Caribbean Literature
Karen Greenberg, Professor; PhD, NYU; Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Contemporary Rhetorical and Composition Theory, Multimedia
Lynne Ann Greenberg, Associate Professor; PhD, CUNY; Milton, 17th-century British Literature and Law
Wendy Hayden, Associate Professor, PhD, Maryland; Rhetoric and Composition, Women’s Studies
Marlene Villalobos Hennessy, Associate Professor; PhD, Columbia; Chaucer, Old and Middle English Literature, Medieval Women, Medieval Manuscripts, History of the Book, Medieval Religious Culture
Gavin Hollis, Associate Professor; PhD, Michigan; Shakespeare, Early Modern Drama
Nico Israel, Professor; PhD, Yale; 20th-century Literature, Literary Theory, Visual Culture
Leigh Ann Jones, Associate Professor, PhD, Arizona; Ancient and 20th century Rhetoric, Nationalism Studies, Gender Studies, Performance Studies, Composition Theory and Pedagogy
Richard Kaye, Associate Professor; PhD, Princeton; 19th-century British Literature, Queer Theory, History of the Novel
Donna Masini, Professor; MA, NYU; Creative Writing, Contemporary Poetry
Mark Miller, Associate Professor; PhD, Pennsylvania; Early American Literature, Native American Literature, Critical Theory
Janet Neary, Associate Professor; PhD, California at Irvine; 19th century African American Literature and Visual Culture, Cultural Studies, Critical and Feminist Theory
Kate Parry, Professor; EdD, Columbia; Language and Culture, Literacy, History of English
Sonali Perera, Associate Professor; PhD, Columbia; Post-Colonial Literature
Angela Reyes, Professor and Acting Chair; PhD, Pennsylvania; Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Urban Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Linguistic Anthropology, Ethnography, Video, Asian American Studies, Education
Amy Moorman Robbins, Associate Professor; PhD, California at Riverside, 20th century American Poetry and Literature, Feminist Theory, Multicultural American Literature
Thomas Sleigh, Distinguished Professor; MA, Johns Hopkins; Creative Writing, Contemporary Poetry
Trudith Smoke, Professor; PhD, NYU; Rhetoric and Applied Linguistics, American Literature
Michael Thomas, Associate Professor; MFA Warren Wilson; Fiction Writing, Creative Non-fiction, 20thcentury Fiction
Neal Tolchin, Associate Professor; PhD, Rutgers; American Literature, Ethnic Literature
Sylvia Tomasch, Professor; PhD, CUNY; Chaucer, Medieval Literature, Rhetorical Cartography, Medieval Ethnic Studies
Alan Vardy, Professor; PhD, Washington; Romanticism, Literary Theory
Jason Wirtz, Assistant Professor; PhD, Michigan; Rhetoric and Composition, Creative Writing, English Education
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