Mar 09, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog - Phase I 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog - Phase I [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The Office of the Bursar

238 Hunter North
(212) 772-4401

Bursar Information

The mission of the Bursar’s Office is to provide accurate and timely financial information to both the campus community and its external constituents. As such, the Bursar’s Office is responsible for maintaining all students’ tuition accounts and the College’s receivables.  This includes reviewing charges for tuition and fees, collecting and processing payments from all sources, generating student account statements, billing third-party providers and monitoring and issuing student refunds.  In addition, the Bursar’s Office is responsible for collecting, safeguarding and depositing Hunter College’s revenue.  By maintaining the integrity of student financial records and providing exceptional customer service, the Bursar’s Office strives to support Hunter College’s students in meeting their financial obligations while ensuring compliance with CUNY’s policies and procedures, as well as Federal, State and City guidelines. ​ 

The Bursar’s Office offers a variety of payment options for paying your bill:

  •    Online: Payment Plans (which allow for both E-check or credit/debit card payments) and E-checks/EFT.
  •    In Person at the Cashier’s window:  Personal Check or Money Order and cash.
  •    We also accept Wire Transfers from your bank,  NY State SAVES 529 Program, and Third Party Options.

Financial Obligations

Students are expected to settle their bill by the college’s designated due dates. Pursuant to CUNY policy, students who have unsettled bills by the term start date may be subject to cancellation for non-payment. Student accounts that remain unpaid for one semester or more are turned over to the university’s collection agency. Students who have a negative service indicator (stop) for unpaid balances will not be permitted to register for classes or obtain a transcript.