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Marlene Barsoum, Professor, French; BA CUNY, License-ès-Lettres Nancy (France), MA, PhD Columbia
Monica Calabritto, Associate Professor, Italian; Dottore in Lettere, Università di Pisa (Italy), MA, PhD CUNY
Maria Cornelio, Lecturer, Spanish; BA, Hunter, MA, University of Denver
Francesca Sautman, Professor, French; BA Barnard, MA, PhD California (Los Angeles)
Paolo Fasoli, Associate Professor, Italian; Dottore in Lettere Universita’ di Roma II (Italy), PhD Toronto (Canada)
Michael Taormina, Associate Professor and Chair, French; BA, MA California (Los Angeles), MA, PhD Columbia
Diana Conchado, Associate Professor, Spanish; BA Hunter, MA, PhD Brown
Marithelma Costa, Professor, Spanish; BA SUNY (Albany), MA Columbia, PhD CUNY
Anselmo Di Iorio, Associate Professor, French; BA Grinnell, MA, PhD Pennsylvania
Maria Luisa Fischer, Associate Professor, Spanish; Licenciatura en Literatura General (Chile), PhD Boston
Maria Hernandez-Ojeda, Associate Professor, Spanish; BA Madrid (Spain), MA, PhD Florida State
Rolando Perez, Professor, Spanish; MA, SUNY at Stony Brook, PhD, CUNY
Magdalena Perkowska, Professor, Spanish; BA Jagellon, MA Simon Bolivar, PhD Rutgers
Rosa A. Ramos, Associate Professor, Spanish; PhD Pennsylvania
Monica Schinaider, Lecturer, Spanish; BA Hunter, MPh, CUNY
Julie Van Peteghem, Assistant Professor, Italian; Licenciate, Ghent University, MA, University of Leuven, MA, MPhil, PhD, Columbia