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Michael Owen Benediktsson, Assistant Professor; PhD, Princeton University; Urban and Cultural Sociology/Theory
Lynn Chancer, Professor; PhD, CUNY; Race/Class/Gender, Criminology/Delinquency
Erica Chito Childs, Associate Professor and Chair; PhD, Fordham; Race/Gender/Sexuality, Family, Media/Popular Culture
Margaret Chin, Associate Professor; PhD Columbia; Family, Qualitative Research Methods
Thomas DeGloma, Assistant Professor; PhD, Rutgers; Culture, Cognition/memory, Symbolic Interaction, and Sociological Theory
Nancy Foner, Distinguished Professor; PhD, Chicago; Migration and Immigration, Race/Class/Gender, Urban Sociology; Joint Appointment with Graduate Center
Jessica Halliday Hardie, Assistant Professor; PhD UNC; Quantitative Methods and Statistics, Sociology of Education, Gender, Public Policy
Marc Halling, Lecturer; BA, Minnesota; Social Theory, Medical Sociology, Media and Culture
John Hammond, Professor; PhD, Chicago; Collective Behavior/Social Movements, Political Sociology, Work and Labor Markets
Donald J. Hernandez, Professor; PhD., University of California, Berkeley; Demography, Family, Children/Youth/Public Policy
Marnia Lazreg, Professor; PhD, NYU; Development, Political Economy, Cultural Movements, Gender, Biotechnology
Howard Lune, Associate Professor; PhD, NYU; Organizations, Collective Behavior/Social Movements, Research Methods, Urban Sociology
Joong-Hwan Oh, Associate Professor; PhD, South Carolina; Urban Criminology, Global Sociology, Race and Ethnic Relations
Calvin John Smiley, Assistant Professor; PhD, City University of New York; Race & Ethnic Relations, Law & Society, Criminology
Michaela Soyer, Assistant Professor; PhD University of Chicago
Pamela Stone, Professor; PhD, Johns Hopkins; Work and Labor Markets, Sex and Gender, Occupations/Professions
Peter Tuckel, Professor; PhD, NYU; Quantitative Methodology, Political Sociology
Michael Wood, Associate Professor; PhD, Texas; Consumer Behavior, Economy and Society, Cultural Sociology
Affiliated Faculty
Jeanne Weiler, Associate Professor; PhD, SUNY-Buffalo; Education, Comparative/Historical, Applied Sociology/Evaluation Research
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