Mar 09, 2025  
Graduate Catalog 2018-2019 
Graduate Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Psychology Faculty

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Amber Alliger, Lecturer Doctoral; PhD, CUNY; Biopsychology/Behavioral Neuroscience: Laboratory animal welfare and husbandry

Evelyn Behar, Associate Professor; PhD, Penn State; Clinical Psychology

Danielle Berke, Assistant Professor; PhD, Georgia; Clinical Psychology: Violence prevention, gender role socialization and health disparities, trauma-informed psychotherapy

Christopher Braun, Professor and Chair; PhD, California (San Diego); Sensory Psychology: sensory systems in animals, neural substrates of vibration and sound detection, sensory variation, ecology, and evolution

Nesha Burghardt, Assistant Professor; PhD New York University; Biopsychology/Behavioral Neuroscience: Neurobiology of mood, anxiety and eating disorders; developmental effects of stress, serotonin and emotional learning

Sheila Chase, Professor; PhD, CUNY; Experimental Psychology: Animal cognition, memory and decision processes, computer models

Martin Chodorow, Professor; PhD, MIT; Experimental Cognition: Models of memory, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics

Darlene DeFour, Associate Professor; PhD, Illinois; Personality and Social Psychology: Coping with stress, psychology of women, social networks, Black psychology, culture and psychology

Tracy A. Dennis, Professor; PhD, Penn State; Clinical and Developmental Psychology: Emotion regulation, developmental psychopathology, affective neuroscience, parenting and contextual influences

Dawn Dugan, Lecturer Doctoral; PhD, Hofstra; Clinical Psychology; Impact of interparental conflict on parenting practices and communication

Joel Erblich, Professor, PhD, USC; Clinical and Health Psychology: Nicotine dependence, risk for alcoholism, health psychology

Roseanne Flores, Associate Professor; PhD, CUNY; Developmental Psychology: Language acquisition, cognitive development, children and poverty, children and culture

Jennifer Ford, Professor; PhD, Kent State; Clinical Psychology: Adolescent and young adult cancer survivors, psychosocial adjustment and coping with chronic illness

Sarit Golub, Professor; PhD, Harvard; Social and Health Psychology: Social, cognitive, and emotional factors that influence health behavior, with special emphasis on the interaction between behavior and the formation and maintenance of individual identity

James Gordon, Professor; PhD, Brown; Visual Psychophysiology: color vision, pattern vision, human visual development

Cheryl F. Harding, Emeritus Professor; PhD, Rutgers; Behavioral Endocrinology: Effects of mold exposure on immune activation, neuroplasticity, and behavior

Rebecca Farmer Huselid, Associate Professor; PhD, Kansas; Social Psychology: Effects of social identity on health and academic achievement; Effects of race, gender, and immigration on stress, psychological adjustment, substance use and abuse

Shirzad Jenab, Professor; PhD, Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Drugs of abuse, gene expression, neurochemistry and neuropharmacology, CNS degenerative diseases

Joseph Lao, Senior Lecturer; PhD, Teachers College; Developmental and Cognitive Psychology: Parenting skills, cognitive development

Michael J. Lewis, Professor; PhD, Temple; Behavioral Neuroscience: Neurobiology of motivation and substance abuse; alcohol dependence and eating disorders.

Victoria Luine, Emeritus Professor; PhD, SUNY (Buffalo); Behavioral Endocrinology: Neurochemistry of hormone-dependent sexual behavior, hormonal influences on age-related memory loss

Amber Martin, Lecturer Doctoral; PhD Minnesota; Cognitive and Developmental Psychology, Spatial language and spatial cognition, sign language acquisition, effects of delayed first language acquisition

Regina Miranda, Professor; PhD, NYU; Clinical Psychology: Adolescent depression and suicide, hopelessness, depressive future-event schemas, the social-cognitive process of transference in depression

Peter Moller, Professor; PhD, Free University of Berlin; Animal Behavior: Multisensory integration, electrolocation & electrocommunication in electric fish, behavioral physiology, behavioral endocrinology

Jeffrey T. Parsons, Distinguished Professor; PhD, Houston; Developmental and Health Psychology: Adolescent development, risk taking, HIV/AIDS prevention, health psychology, gay/lesbian issues, substance abuse, sexual behavior

Joshua Plotnik, Assistant Professor; PhD, Emory; Biopsychology/Behavioral Neuroscience: Animal Behavior: Convergent cognitive evolution, comparative cognition, elephant behavior and cognition; applications of animal behavior and cognition research to conservation in practice

Sandeep Prasada, Professor; PhD, MIT; Cognitive and Developmental Psychology: Conceptual & lexical representation in mind and brain, language acquisition

Thomas Preuss, Professor; PhD, Tübingen; Biopsychology/Behavioral Neuroscience: Neuroethology of escape behavior, neural decision making, neural plasticity, sensorimotor integration of biologically relevant visual and auditory inputs

Diana Reiss, Professor; PhD, Temple; Experimental Psychology: Comparative cognition, animal behavior and communication, marine mammal cognition

H. Jonathon Rendina, Assistant Professor; PhD, CUNY; Health and Social Psychology: Social stress and health, HIV treatment and prevention, LGBT health disparities, sexual decision making, and mobile health

Salomon Rettig, Emeritus Professor; PhD, Ohio State; Social Psychology: Philosophy of science in psychology; Small groups (group therapy); Ethical decision making

Tracey Revenson, Professor; PhD, New York University; Health and Social Psychology: Stress and coping; adaptation to chronic illness, particularly cancer, social support, psychological measurement

Kimberly Robinson, Lecturer Doctoral; PhD, Rutgers; Social and Developmental Psychology: The effects on minority stress on psychological well-being and health behaviors

Glenn Schafe, Professor; PhD,Washington; Biopsychology/ Behavioral Neuroscience: Neurobiological substrates of emotional learning and memory, fear, anxiety and stress

Stefan Schlussman, Lecturer Doctoral; PhD, New York Medical College; Biopsychology/Behavioral Neuroscience: Animal models of vulnerabilities to addictive diseases

Peter Serrano, Associate Professor; PhD, California (Berkeley); Biopsychology/ Behavioral Neuroscience: Long-term potentiation, depression and memory, developmental psychobiology and learning disorders; neural mechanisms of stress, fear, and post-traumatic stress disorder

Tricia Skoler, Professor; PhD Emory; Cognitive and Developmental Psychology: Infant development, autism, social cognition

Tyrel Starks, Associate Professor; PhD, Southern Illinois University (Carbondale); Social and Health Psychology: Substance use and sexual health in sexual minority populations, with a particular emphasis on relationship factors associated with sexual health in gay and bisexual men

Ofer Tchernichovski, Professor; PhD, Tel Aviv University; DVM, The Hebrew University; Biopsychology/ Behavioral Neuroscience: Mechanisms of vocal learning; animal behavior; developmental learning; vocal learning; cultural evolution; brain imaging; sleep and learning; birdsong and music

Virginia Valian, Distinguished Professor; PhD, Northeastern; Cognition, Language, and Development: First and second language acquisition, sex differences in cognition and achievement, gender equity

Mariann Weierich, Associate Professor; PhD, Yale; Clinical and Cognitive Psychology: Neurobiology of stress, trauma, PTSD, anxiety, attention, neuroimaging, neuroendocrinology

Jason Young, Associate Professor; PhD, Minnesota; Social and Health Psychology: Attitudes and persuasion, political psychology, media influence, evolutionary psychology

H. Philip Zeigler, Distinguished Professor; PhD, Wisconsin (Madison); Biopsychology/Behavioral Neuroscience: Neuroethology of movement, sensory processing and motor control of active touch, development of a mobile sensory system

Affiliated Faculty List

Andrea Baden, Assistant Professor of Anthropology; PhD, Stony Brook University; Behavioral Ecology, Molecular Ecology of Primates

Jessica Rothman, Professor of Anthropology; PhD, Cornell University; Evolutionary Ecology and nutrition of primates


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