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Ara Basmajian, Professor; PhD, SUNY Stony Brook; Hyperbolic Geometry, Discrete Groups
Martin Bendersky, Professor; PhD, California (Berkeley); Algebraic Topology
Patrick Burke, Doctoral Lecturer; PhD, Columbia; Mathematics Education
Barry M. Cherkas, Professor and Chair; PhD, Georgetown; Partial Differential Equations, Collegiate Mathematics Education
Daniel S. Chess, Associate Professor; PhD, Princeton; Structure Theorems for Diffeomorphisms
Richard C. Churchill, Professor; PhD, Wisconsin; Differential Algebra, Dynamical Systems
Sandra P. Clarkson, Professor; EdD, Georgia; Mathematics and Statistics Education
Lucille Croom, Professor; PhD, Columbia; Mathematics Education
Scott Gentile, Lecturer; MA, Boston College; Mathematics Education
Olympia Hadjiliadis, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics, BSc Toronto, MMath Waterloo, MPhil, PhD Columbia
Ilya Kapovich, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; B.Sc. Novosibirsk State University (Russia), PhD CUNY
Olga Kharlampovich, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; Dr.Sc. Steklov Institute, PhD Leningrad
Tatyana Khodorovskiy, Doctoral Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics, BA, NYU, PhD, Harvard
John Loustau, Professor; PhD, California (Santa Barbara); Non-associative Algebras, Computer Graphics
Vincent Martinez, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; BA College of New Jersey, Indiana University PhD, Applied Mathematics
Chun Pan, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics, BS, MS, Nanjing University (China), MS, PhD, University of South Carolina, Statistics and Biostatistics
Michael Samra, Lecturer; M.Phil., CUNY; Mathematics
Verna Segarra, Lecturer; MA, City College; Mathematics Education
Brian Shay, Associate Professor; PhD, CUNY; Algebraic Topology, Reasoning Under Uncertainty (AI), Mathematics of Financial Economics
Lev Shneerson, Professor; PhD, Ural State University; Combinatorial Semigroup Theory
Dana Sylvan, Professor; PhD, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland; Non-stationary Processes, Quantile Inference
Robert D. Thompson, Professor; PhD, Washington; Algebraic Topology
William H. Williams, Professor; PhD, Iowa State; Sampling Theory, Time Series, Econometrics
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