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Debroy, Saptarshi, Assistant Professor; PhD, Central Florida; Cyber-security, big data networking, distributed and cloud computing, wireless networking.
Epstein, Susan L., Professor; PhD, Rutgers; Problem solving, machine learning, cognitive modeling, knowledge representation, constraint satisfaction programming, bioinformatics.
Khatchadourian, Raffi, Assistant Professor; PhD, Ohio State; Software engineering and software security, formal methods, automated software evolution, static and dynamic program analysis.
Mneimneh, Saad, Assistant Professor; PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Fast network switches, optical routing, graph problems, and computational biology.
Sakas, William G., Associate Professor and Chair; PhD, CUNY Graduate Center; Cognitive science, computational models of language acquisition, computational linguistics.
Schaffer, Cullen, Associate Professor; PhD, Rutgers; Computation-intensive approaches to data analysis.
Schweitzer, Eric, Lecturer; MA, SUNY at Stonybrook; Theory of computation, logics of knowledge and probabilistic reasoning.
Shankar, Subash, Associate Professor; PhD, Minnesota; Software engineering, formal methods, automated reasoning, system modeling, analysis and verification.
Stamos, Ioannis, Associate Professor; PhD, Columbia; Computer vision and computer graphics, range sensing, 3-D modeling; range segmentation, sensor fusion, range-range and range-image registration.
Weiss, Stewart N., Associate Professor; PhD, NYU; Software testing, analysis verification, reliability theory, parallel architecture and computing.
Vazquez-Abad, Felisa, Professor; PhD, Brown; Stochastic optimization, modeling and simulation of random processes, statistical estimation of sensitivity for discrete event systems, applied probability, applications of decision making.
Xie, Lei, Associate Professor; PhD, Rutgers; Computational techniques to study the structure, function, dynamic, and evolution of molecular interactions. Bridging the basic sciences with clinical research.
Xu, Jia, Assistant Professor; PhD, Technical University of Aachen (Germany); Computational linguistics, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, machine translation, machine learning.
Zamfirescu, Christina, Professor; PhD, Technical University of Aachen (Germany); Graph theory, algorithms on graphs, transformation networks, discrete mathematic, intersection digraphs, evaluating complexity in chemical topology using graph theory.
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