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Adrienne Alaie, Assistant Professor; BA Bennington, PhD CUNY; Science Education
Jesus Angulo, Professor; BA, MA Hunter, PhD CUNY; Addictive drugs and neurochemistry of the synapse
Jill Bargonetti-Chavarria, Professor; BA SUNY at Purchase, PhD NYU; Dysfunctional MDM2 and p53 Signaling in Human Breast Cancer and C. elegans tumor models
Diana Bratu, Associate Professor; BA, MS, PhD NYU School of Medicine; Role of RNAi in RNA localization in fruit flies
Derrick Brazill, Professor and Chair; BS Stanford, PhD California at Berkeley; Mechanisms of cell density sensing in eukaryotes
Robert P. Dottin, Professor; BS, MS, PhD; University of Toronto; Genomics, research collaboration and educational technology
Laurel A. Eckhardt, Marie Hesselbach Professor; BA Texas at Austin, PhD Stanford; Molecular immunology
Paul G. Feinstein, Associate Professor; BA Penn, PhD Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons; Genetics and neurodevelopment in the mouse
Maria Figueiredo-Pereira, Professor; BSc, MSc, University of Lisbon, Portugal, PhD, NYU; The ubiquitin/proteasome pathway in neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation
David A. Foster, Rosalyn S. Yalow Professor; BA California at Berkeley, MA, PhD Columbia; Oncogenes and signal transduction
Allyson K. Friedman, Assistant Professor; BA Barnard College, PhD Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Cellular mechanisms and neural circuitry of motivated behaviors
Mitchell Goldfarb, Professor; BS, PhD MIT; Molecular neuroscience: Fibroblast growth factor-homologous factors (FHFs): Roles in neural excitability, communication, memory, sensory and motor pathways, epileptic syndromes, and cardiac arrhythmia
Janette Gomos-Klein, Doctoral Lecturer; BS Ohio State, PhD CUNY; Science Education
Lon Seth Kaufman, Professor and Provost; BA Queens, PhD SUNY at Stonybrook
Konstantinos Krampis, Associate Professor; BS, MS University of Athens, PhD Virginia Tech; Bioinformatics infrastructures for genomic sequencing data analytics
Ekaterina Likhtik, Assistant Professor; BA Barnard, PhD Rutgers University; Circuit physiology of learning
Diego Loayza, Associate Professor; BS University of Geneva, MA Princeton, PhD Johns Hopkins; Relationship between shelterin, POT1 and telomerase in human cells
Carmen Melendez-Vasquez, Associate Professor; BSc Universidad Central de Venezuela, MSc Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, PhD London University, England; Actomyosin regulation and mechanism of myelin formation
Olorunseun Ogunwobi, Associate Professor; Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery University of Ibadan, Nigeria, MS University of Hull, MS University of Florida, PhD University of East Anglia, UK; Mechanisms of metastasis of solid organ cancers
Benjamin Ortiz, Professor and Deputy Chair; BA Hunter, PhD Stanford; Gene regulation and genetic engineering of T cells
Weigang Qiu, Professor; BSc, Biochemistry, Fudan University, China, PhD SUNY at Stony Brook; Evolutionary bioinformatics and population genetics of bacterial diversity
Jayne Raper, Professor; BSc University of Newcastle upon Tyne, PhD University of Cambridge, England; Trypanosome lytic factors, antimicrobial high density lipoproteins and their role in innate immunity
Shirley Raps, Professor; BS Brooklyn, PhD Illinois; Cyanobacterial plasmids, microcystins and phycobilisomes, and science education
Patricia Rockwell, Professor; BSc Gwynedd Mercy, MSc Wright State, PhD CUNY; Signal transduction and gene expression associated with Alzheimer’s disease
Thomas Schmidt-Glenewinkel, Associate Professor; BSc, PhD University of Frankfurt; Biochemistry and molecular biology of neurotransmitter receptors and ion channels in Drosophila melanogaster
Samantha Sheppard-Lahiji, Doctoral Lecturer; BS John Jay, PhD CUNY: Science Education
Hualin Zhong, Assistant Professor; BA Nanjing University, MS Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry, PhD Rutgers; Role of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) in regulating essential cellular events
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