The bursar’s office collects all tuition and fees in accordance with CUNY policies and procedures.set forth by the Federal, State and City Governments.
Method of Payment for Tuition and Fees
Students may pay for tuition and fees see Tuition and Fees by cash, check, or money order in person at the cashier windows; through the mail using a money order or check. All checks and money orders must be made payable to Hunter College in U.S. currency only and mailed to the Bursar’s Office, 238N. The college will only accept payments of cash, checks and money orders at the Bursar Office cashier windows. Students can make payments online using an electronic funds transfer from their bank checking/savings account. Effective as of March 13, 2016, all Credit and Debit Card transactions are processed via the University’s Payment Plan. The Payment Plan provides students and their families the option of paying their tuition and fees over a period of up to six months. This flexibility enables everyone to reduce the burden of paying all tuition and fees prior to the start of the academic term. This deferred payment plan continues to be an interest free benefit for students and their families.
Effective with the Summer 2016 semester, the Enrollment Fee for the payment plan will be $95 per term. For students and their families who opt for direct withdrawals from their bank accounts, a discount will be provided which will lower the Enrollment Fee to $40 per term.
Additional details concerning payment options are available online at
Financial Obligations
Students are expected to settle their bill by the college designated due dates. Pursuant to CUNY policy, students who have unsettled bills by the term start date may be subject to cancellation for non-payment. Student accounts that remain unpaid for one semester or more are turned over to the university’s collection agency. Students who have a negative service indicator (stop) for unpaid balances will not be permitted to register for classes or obtain a transcript.