Mar 09, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Grade Appeals
When a student considers a final course grade unsatisfactory, the student should first confer with the instructor regarding the accuracy of the grade received. This conference should be held within the first three weeks of the semester following receipt of the grade. At this time, errors may be corrected. If the grade is not an error, the student and instructor must together review all class material pertinent to the grade. If the student is not satisfied or if the instructor does not confer with the student within the first three weeks of the semester, the student should promptly contact the department chair by submitting a written appeal, consisting of a statement giving the factual reasons and basis for the complaint. The student has the right to request in writing that the chair appoint a student as a member of the department/school Grade Appeals Committee. This appeal at the department/school level must be submitted within the first five weeks of the semester following receipt of the grade, in accordance with the “College-wide Grade Appeals Procedures” adopted by the Senate in fall 1985. Copies of this procedure may be obtained in the Senate Office, the Office of Advising or academic departmental offices. Students appealing grades to the School of Nursing, the School of Urban Public Health or the School of Health Professions should direct their appeal to the dean of the School of Nursing. Students appealing grades to the School of Social Work should direct the appeal to the dean of the school, who shall carry out the responsibilities of the department chair.