Currently enrolled degree students may take courses at other accredited institutions (CUNY or other) provided the appropriate procedures are followed.
A department may refuse to authorize a permit if, in its judgment, it is inappropriate to do so.
Students who wish to apply for courses at another CUNY campus may do so by submitting an E-permit via CUNY First. At the Student Center page, use the drop down menu and click on epermit to begin the process. Students wishing to register for courses at non-CUNY institutions must complete a permit form to attend another college. The form is available in the Registrar’s Office, 217 Hunter North Building (at the 68th Street campus).
In all cases, permits are authorized by the appropriate department and administered by the Office of the Registrar.
It is the responsibility of students who study at other institutions to have official transcripts of their work sent to the Office of the Registrar as soon as grades are posted. Effective fall 2004, grades for courses taken on permit at CUNY schools are posted to the student’s record and are computed in the GPA. All permit credits must be posted to student’s Hunter transcripts prior to graduation.
Note: Hunter students may not take courses on permit during their final semester prior to graduation.