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Janos Bergou, Professor, Physics; MS, PhD Lorand Eotvos (Hungary)
Ying-Chih Chen, Professor; BA National Taiwan, PhD Columbia
Leon Cohen, Professor; BS City College, MS, PhD Yale
Kelle Cruz, Associate Professor; BA, PhD Penn
Steven G. Greenbaum, Professor; BA Clark, ScM, PhD Brown
Godfrey Gumbs, Maria A. Chianta and Alice M. Stoll Distinguished Professor and Chair, Physics and Astronomy; BA Cambridge (UK), MS, PhD Toronto (Canada)
Mark Hillery, Professor; BS MIT, MS, PhD California (Berkeley)
Hyungsik Lim, Associate Professor; BEng Seoul National University, MS Ohio State, PhD Cornell
Neepa Maitra, Professor; MA, PhD Harvard
Yuhang Ren, Professor; BA Zhejiang Normal University (China), PhD Zhejiang University, PhD William and Mary
Yonatan Abranyos, Doctoral Lecturer; PhD, CUNY Hunter College
Phillip Stallworth , Research Associate; PhD, Brown