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Judith Aponte, Associate Professor, Nursing; AA NYC Technical College, BS, MS Nursing Hunter, PhD Columbia
Steven Baumann, Professor, Nursing; BS Nursing Malloy, MSN Catholic, PhD Adelphi
Mary F. L. Belmont, Distinguished Lecturer; BS Cornell - New York Hospital School of Nursing; MA Columbia Teachers College; MS Hunter Bellevue School of Nursing; EdD Columbia Teachers College
Kunsook Bernstein, Professor, Nursing; BS Seoul National (Korea), MA NYU, PhD Adelphi
Lorraine Byrnes, Associate Professor and Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs, Nursing; BS Nursing Regents, MS Nursing Stony Brook (SUNY), PhD Columbia
Elizabeth Capezuti, W. R. Hearst Chair in Gerontology Nursing and Associate Dean for Research, Nursing; BS Nursing Lehman, MS Nursing Hunter, PhD U Pennsylvania
Margaret Cocozza, Lecturer, Nursing; AA Marymount College, BS Nursing Long Island U, MA Nursing NYU
Elizabeth Cohn, Professor and Rudin Chair in Nursing; BA Sociology SUNY Purchase; AAS Nursing Nassau Community College; BS, MS Nursing SUNY Stony Brook; PhD Columbia
Jennifer DiPiazza-Sileo Assistant Professor Nursing, BS MS PhD Columbia
Frank Flammino, Associate Dean of Administration, Nursing; BA Pennsylvania, MBA Wharton (U of Pennsylvania), PhD California at Santa Barbara
Viktoriya Fridman, Clinical Professor; BS Nursing Hunter, MS Nursing SUNY Stony Brook, DNP Seton Hall
Christine Anne Ganzer, Assistant Professor, Nursing; BS Syracuse U, MA NYU, MS Nursing SUNY Stony Brook, PhD U Arizona
Lori Smith Goshin, Assistant Professor, Nursing; BA MSN Nursing U Texas Austin, PhD Columbia
Tara Heagele, Assistant Professor; BS Nursing College of N.J., MS Nursing Education Monmouth, PhD Rutgers
Mary Hickey, Clinical Professor and Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, Nursing; BS Nursing Georgetown , MS Nursing Adelphi, EdD Dowling
Elsie Jolade, Clinical Professor; BS Nursing, MS Nursing Education, DNP Fairleigh Dickinson
Abigail Kotowski, Clinical Professor Nursing; BS Nursing City College NY, MS Nursing Hunter, PhD Graduate Center CUNY
Gail McCain, Joan Hansen Grabe Dean and Professor, Nursing; BA Baldwin Wallace, MA Kent State, MS Nursing SUNY Buffalo, PhD Case Western Reserve
Lynda Olender, Distinguished Lecturer, Nursing & Director Graduate Programs; BS Nursing College of Staten Island NY, MA Nursing NYU, PhD Seton Hall
So Hyun Park, Assistant Professor, Nursing; BS Catholic University (Seoul, Korea), MS Columbia, PhD Yale
Barbara Ravida, Lecturer Nursing, AAS Beth Israel School of Nursing NY, BS Nursing Pace, MS Nursing Hunter, MS Seton Hall
Charles Reuter, Assistant Professor, Nursing; BS, MS Kean
Jin Young Seo Assistant Professor Nursing, BS Nursing KyungPook National U South Korea, MS, PhD SUNY Buffalo
Leighsa Sharoff, Associate Professor, Nursing; BS Nursing Adelphi, MS Nursing Hunter, EdD Columbia
Mitchell Solovay, Lecturer, Nursing; AA Nassau Community College, BA BS (Nursing) SUNY Stony Brook, MS Nursing Hunter.
An-Yun (Emily) Yeh, Assistant Professor; BS Nursing National Taiwan U.; MS Nursing, PhD U. of Michigan
Cheryl Zauderer, Clinical Professor; BS Nursing Adelphi, MS Nursing SUNY Stony Brook, Post MS Midwifery & Psychiatry Molloy College, PhD Psychology Capella U.
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