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Ara Basmajian, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; BA Queens, MA, PhD SUNY (Stony Brook)
Martin Bendersky, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; BA City College, PhD California (Berkeley)
Patrick Burke, Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics; BS Duquesne, MA Pittsburgh, PhD Columbia
Barry Cherkas, Professor and Chair, Mathematics and Statistics; BS Worcester Polytech., MA, PhD Georgetown
Daniel S. Chess, Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; AB Harvard, PhD Princeton
Richard Churchill, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; BA George Washington, MS, MA, PhD Wisconsin (Madison)
Sandra Clarkson, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; BS North Georgia, MEd, EdD Georgia
Lucille Croom, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; BA Talladega, MA Michigan (Ann Arbor), PhD Columbia
Scott Gentile, Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics; BA, MA Boston College
Jingtao Gou, Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; BS, MS Tsinghua, PhD Northwestern
Olympia Hadjiliadis, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; BSc Toronto, MMath Waterloo, MPhil, PhD Columbia
Olga Kharlampovich, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; Dr.Sc. Steklov Institute, PhD Leningrad
John Loustau, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; BA Oregon State, PhD California (Santa Barbara)
Michael Samra, Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics; MPhil CUNY
Verna Segarra, Lecturer, Mathematics and Statistics; BS, MA City College
Brian Shay, Associate Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; BS, MA Fordham, PhD CUNY
Lev Shneerson, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; MS Ivanovo Pedagogical Inst., PhD Ural State (USSR)
Dana Sylvan, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; BS, MS, Bucharest (Romania), PhD Fed. Inst. of Technology (Switzerland)
Robert D. Thompson, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; BA California (Santa Cruz), PhD Washington
William Williams, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; BA McMasters, MS, PhD Iowa State