Philip Alcabes, Professor, Urban Public Health; BA Union College, PhD Johns Hopkins
Spiro Alexandratos, Professor, Chemistry; BS Manhattan College, PhD California (Berkeley)
Richard Belsky, Associate Professor, History; BA Massachusetts (Amherst), MA Cornell, PhD Harvard
Anthony Browne, Associate Professor, Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies; BA Cornell, MA California (Los Angeles), MA, PhD Columbia
Geoffrey Burleson, Associate Professor of Music; BMus Peabody, MMus New England Conservatory, DMA Stony Brook
Martin Chodorow, Professor, Psychology; BA Texas (Austin), PhD MIT
Sandra Clarkson, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; MEd, EdD Georgia
Diana Conchado, Associate Professor, Romance Languages (Spanish); BA Hunter, MA, PhD Brown
Marlene Hennessy, Associate Professor, English; BA Bard, MA PhD Columbia
Nico Israel, Professor, English; BA California (Los Angeles), PhD Yale
Bernadette McCauley, Associate Professor, History; BA Hunter, MA, PhD Columbia
Gerald Press, Professor, Philosophy; AB California (Berkeley), MA, PhD California (San Diego)
Joseph Roitberg, Professor, Mathematics and Statistics; BS City College, MS, PhD NYU
Laurence Shore, Associate Professor, Film and Media Studies; BA Witwatersrand (South Africa), MA Pennsylvania, MA, PhD Stanford
Jason Young, Associate Professor, Psychology; BA Indiana, PhD Minnesota