Affiliated Faculty
Abramovitz, Miriam, Professor, Social Work; BA Michigan (Dearborn), MSW, DSW Columbia
Acampora, Christa Davis, Associate Professor, Philosophy; BA Hollins, BA, PhD Emory
Alcoff, Linda Martin, Professor, Philosophy; BA, MA Georgia State, PhD Brown
Alexander, Meena, Distinguished Professor, English; BA Khartoum (Sudan), PhD Nottingham (UK)
Alfar, Cristina L., Associate Professor, English; BA, MA Cal State (Fresno), PhD Washington
Ancona, Ronnie, Professor, Classical Studies, Classical and Oriental Studies; BA, MA Washington, PhD Ohio State
Anderson, Kelly, Professor, Film and Media Studies; BA Brown
Angotti, Thomas, Professor, Urban Affairs; Director of the Center for Community Planning and Development; BA Indiana State, MA, PhD Rutgers
Barsoum, Marlene, Associate Professor, Romance Languages (French)
Browne, Anthony, Associate Professor and Chair, Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies; BA Cornell, MA California (Los Angeles), MA, PhD Columbia
Calabritto, Monica, Associate Professor, Romance Languages; Dottore in Lettere, Università di Pisa (Italy), MA, PhD CUNY
Chancer, Lynn S., Professor and Chair, Sociology; AB Princeton, PhD CUNY
Chin, Margaret M., Associate Professor, Sociology; BA Harvard-Radcliffe, MA, PhD Columbia
Chinn, Sarah, Professor and Chair, English; BA Yale, MA, PhD Columbia
Chodorow, Martin, Professor, Psychology; BA Texas (Austin), PhD MIT
Conchado, Diana, Associate Professor, Romance Languages (Spanish); BA Hunter, MA, PhD Brown
Contreras, Eduardo, Associate Professor, History; BA Amherst, MA, PhD Chicago
Coppola, Catherine, Lecturer, Music; BA New York University; MM Manhattan School of Music, PhD CUNY
Costa, Marithelma, Professor, Romance Languages (Spanish); BA SUNY (Albany), MA Columbia, PhD CUNY
Creed, Gerald, Professor, Anthropology; BA Duke, MA, PhD CUNY
Cruz, Kelle, Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy; BA, PhD Penn
DeFour, Darlene., Associate Professor, Psychology; BA Fisk, MA, PhD Illinois
Denis-Rosario, Milagros, Associate Professor, Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies; BA University of Puerto Rico, M.P.S. Cornell, Ph.D. Howard University
Epstein, Susan L., Professor, Computer Science; BA Smith, MS NYU, MS, PhD Rutgers
Erickson, Kenneth Paul, Professor, Political Science; BA Michigan (Ann Arbor), PhD Columbia
Fasoli, Paolo. Associate Professor and Chair, Romance Languages (Italian); Dottore in Lettere Università di Roma II (Italy), PhD Toronto (Canada)
Felner, Mira, Professor, Theatre; BA, MA, PhD NYU
Filer, Randall, Professor, Economics; BA Haverford, MA, PhD Princeton
Fischer, Maria Luis. Associate Professor, Romance Languages (Spanish); Licenciatura en Literatura General (Chile), PhD Boston
Gold, Tami, Professor, Film and Media; BA Friends World College
Gregg, Veronica M., Associate Professor, Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies; BA West Indies, MA Queens (Canada), PhD Kent (UK)
Gross, Jill S. Associate Professor, Urban Affairs and Planning; BA SUNY (Cortland), MSC London School of Economics, PhD CUNY
Hampton, Barbara. Professor, Music; BMus Howard, MA California (Los Angeles), PhD Columbia
Hurewitz, Daniel,. Associate Professor, History; BA California, MA Harvard, PhD California (Los Angeles)
Huselid, Rebecca Farmer .Associate Professor, Psychology; BA Sterling College, MA Cal State (Fresno), PhD Kansas
Iweriebor, Ehiedu, Professor, Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies; BA, MA Ibadan (Nigeria), PhD Columbia
Jenkins, Candice, Associate Professor, English; BA Spelman, PhD Duke
Kaye, Richard, Assistant Professor, English; BA University of Chicago; MA, PhD Princeton
Keating, Laura, Associate Professor, Philosophy; BA Michigan State, MA, PhD Ohio State
Maraesa, Aminata, Instructor, Anthropology; BA Hunter, MA, PhD NYU
Marasco, Robyn, Associate Professor, Political Science, BA Smith, PhD University of California, Berkeley
Margulies, Ivone, Professor, Film and Media Studies; MA Fed. Univ. of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), MA, PhD NYU
Masini, Donna, Professor, English; BA Hunter, MA NYU
McCormick, Lynn, Associate Professor, Urban Affairs and Planning; BS, MS Wisconsin (Madison), PhD MIT
McLaughlin, Kenneth J., Associate Professor, Economics; BA Ohio State, MA, PhD Chicago
Mizrahi, Terry, Professor, Social Work; BA NYU, MSW Columbia, PhD Virginia
Montgomery, Harper, Assistant Professor, Art & Art History, BA Mount Holyoke, MA Columbia, PhD Chicago
Newton, Lina, Assistant Professor, Political Science; BA Wesleyan, MA, PhD California (Irvine)
Nickitas, Donna, Associate Professor, Nursing; BSN SUNY (Stony Brook), MA NYU, PhD Adelphi
Parsons, Jeffrey T. Professor, Psychology; BA, MA, PhD Houston
Patti, Janet, Professor, Curriculum and Teaching; BA, MS Hunter, EdD Northern Arizona
Paynter, Maria G., Professor, Romance Languages (Italian); BA Iona, MA, PhD Toronto (Canada)
Peterson, Nadya L., Associate Professor, Russian and Slavic Division, Classical and Oriental Studies; MA Moscow State, MA, PhD Indiana
Pinedo, Isabel, Associate Professor, Film and Media Studies; BA St. John’s, MA Chicago, PhD CUNY
Poppendieck, Janet, Professor, Sociology; BA Duke, MSW, PhD Brandeis
Reyes, Angela, Professor, English; BA Michigan State, MSEd Penn State, PhD Pennsylvania
Sautman, Francesca, Professor, Romance Languages (French); BA Barnard, MA, PhD California (Los Angeles)
Schor, Laura S., Professor, History; BA Queens, MA, PhD Rochester
Shram, Sandy, Professor, Political Science; BA St. Lawrence University; MA SUNY Albany; PhD SUNY Albany
Sevak, Purvi, Associate Professor, Economics; BS Cornell, MA, PhD Yale
Smoke, Trudith M., Professor, English; BA Queens, MA, PhD NYU
Somerville, Carolyn M., Associate Professor and Chair, Political Science; BA, MA, PhD Michigan
Stone, Pamela, Associate Professor, Sociology; BA Duke, MA, PhD Johns Hopkins
Susser, Ida, Professor, Anthropology; AB Barnard, MA Chicago, PhD Columbia
Thompson, Jewel, Professor, Music; BS Virginia State, MA, PhD Eastman School of Music
Valian, Virginia, Distinguished Professor, Psychology; BA Michigan (Ann Arbor), MA, PhD Northeastern
Walsh, Elaine, Associate Professor, Urban Affairs and Planning; BA Pace, MS, DSW Fordham
Webb, Barbara, Associate Professor, English; BA Bryn Mawr, MA, PhD NYU