Terence Agbeyegbe, Professor, Economics; BA Essex, MSc, MS London, PhD Essex (UK)
Mathew Baker, Associate Professor, Economics; BA Wesleyan, MA, PhD Connecticut
Karna Basu, Associate Professor, Economics; BA Yale; PhD MIT
Fatma Cebenoyan, Associate Professor, Accounting; BA Bogazici (Turkey), MBA Hofstra, PhD Maryland
Howard Chernick, Professor, Economics; BA Johns Hopkins, MA, PhD Pennsylvania
Jonathan Conning, Associate Professor, Economics; BA Swarthmore, MA, PhD Yale
Partha Deb, Professor, Economics; BSc Calcutta (India), PhD Rutgers
Monica Deza, Assistant Professor, Economics; BA, PhD Berkeley
Randall Filer, Professor, Economics; BA Haverford, MA, PhD Princeton
Lisa M. George, Assistant Professor, Economics; BS, ME Cornell, MA, PhD Pennsylvania
Devra L. Golbe, Professor and Chair, Economics; BA Brown, MBA, PhD NYU
Timothy Goodspeed, Professor, Economics; BS SUNY (Binghamton), PhD Maryland
John Qiang Li, Associate Professor, Accounting, BS, MS Harbin Polytechnic University, China, PhD Washington University
Michelle Liu, Associate Professor, Accounting; BS Southern Methodist University, PhD MIT
Avi Liveson, Professor, Accounting; BA Brandeis, LLM NYU, JD Pennsylvania
Kenneth J. McLaughlin, Associate Professor, Economics; BA Ohio State, MA, PhD Chicago
Toshiaki Mitsudome, Associate Professor, Accounting; BA Kanagawa (Japan), MBA Baruch, PhD Baruch/CUNY
Ingmar Nyman, Associate Professor, Economics; BS Goteberg (Sweden), MA, PhD Columbia
Sangeeta Pratap, Associate Professor, Economics; BA Delhi University (India), MA Jawaharlal Nehru University, MPhil Cambridge, PhD NYU
Kevin D. Sachs, Lecturer (Doctoral), Accounting; BA CUNY, MA Pennsylvania, PhD Buffalo
Purvi Sevak, Associate Professor, Economics; BS Cornell, MA, PhD Yale
Christine Tan, Associate Professor, Accounting; BCom Melbourne (Australia), PhD Melbourne
Jessica Van Parys, Assistant Professor, Economics; BA, MA Georgia, PhD Columbia
Wei Yu, Associate Professor, Accounting; BS University of International Business and Economics, China, MA Central Michigan, PhD, Georgia Tech