Thomas Angotti, Professor, Urban Affairs and Planning; BA Indiana State, MA, PhD Rutgers
James Cantres, Assistant Professor, Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies; BA Vassar; PhD New York University
Jonathan Conning, Associate Professor, Economics; BA Swarthmore, MA, PhD Yale
Milagros Denis-Rosario, Associate Professor, Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies; BA University of Puerto Rico, MPS Cornell, PhD Howard
Marc Edelman, Professor, Anthropology; BA, MA, PhD Columbia
Kenneth Paul Erickson, Professor, Political Science; BA Michigan (Ann Arbor), PhD Columbia
Paolo Fasoli, Associate Professor, Romance Languages; Dottore in Lettere Universita’ di Roma II (Italy), PhD Toronto (Canada)
Maria Luisa Fischer, Associate Professor, Romance Languages; Licenciatura en Literatura General (Chile), PhD Boston
Veronica M. Gregg, Associate Professor, Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies; BA West Indies, MA Queens (Canada), PhD Kent (UK)
John Hammond, Professor, Sociology; AB Harvard, MA, PhD Chicago
Barbara L. Hampton, Professor, Music; BMus Howard, MA California (Los Angeles), PhD Columbia
Julio Hernandez-Delgado, Associate Professor, Library; BA Queens, MA Syracuse, MLS Western Michigan
Lynda Klich, Assistant Professor, Art History; BS St. Joseph’s, MA Hunter, PhD Institute of Fine Arts, NYU
Edgardo L. Melèndez, Professor, Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies; BA University of Puerto Rico, MPhil, PhD CUNY
Ines Miyares, Professor, Geography; BA, MA Cal State (Stanislaus), PhD Arizona State
Sangeeta Pratap, Associate Professor, Economics; BA Delhi University (India), MA Jawaharlal Nehru University, MPhil Cambridge, PhD NYU
Mary Roldan, Dorothy Epstein Distinguished Professor and Acting Chair, History; BA Harvard-Radcliffe, MA, PhD Harvard